Quote Originally Posted by Caldera02 View Post
Both weddings happened at the end of book 3 so not really the "second half". With limited screen time and what i imagine they are going to do with Ser Dontos, it will be just fine. His role is important but doesn't need to be as involved as it was in the book. I mean honestly, those scenes in the book could of been accomplished in half the book space it used.
It's been awhile since I read it, but I have re-read the series with every new book written, and I started at the begining. If I'm not mistaken the wedding happens MAYBE 2/3 of the way into the book (which since season 3-4 are both the book, is not far from where we are), because there is alot that happens to Tyrion and other characters in the wake of the wedding, not to mention the chapters taking place in other parts of the realms.