Looking to sell off an assortment of malifaux I've acquired over the years from outside of my chosen faction, as well as some Blood Angels/Imperial Guard/Necrons. 99% just interested in cash, unless you have something really really cool.
Malifaux Guild (Almost all unassembled)
Perdita Ortega
Perdita Ortega (alt)
Lady Justice
Francisco Ortega
Nino Ortega
Santiago Ortega
Papa Loco
Abuela Ortega (Primed, some paint)
Malifaux Neverborn (All Unassembled)
Lilith (and the nephilim stuff: pending)
3 Terror Tots
2 Young Nephilim
Mature Nephilim
Black Blood Shaman
2 Waldgeist
Voodoo Doll
Mr. Graves
Mr. Tannen
(Lynch/Illuminated/Beconers are partially assembled and primed)
Jakob Lynch/Hungering Darkness
3 Illuminated
2 Beckoners
Warhammer 40K Necrons
3 Primed Metal Flayed Ones
1 Painted Metal Wraith
1 Painted Metal Spyder
1 Painted Nightbringer C'tan (Pending)
1 Painted Heavy Destroyer (Metal/Plastic)
1 Painted Destroyer Lord (Metal/Plastic)
1 Painted Trazyn the Infinite (pending)
Warhammer 40K Imperial Guard
10 Painted Metal Vostroyans (7 Regular, Heavy Bolter Team, Flamer)
1 Painted Lord Commissar (Finecast)
1 Metal Commissar unassembled
Warhammer 40K Blood Angels (I can also supply whatever's left on the sprue for most of the assembled stuff) (Pending)
1 Metal Unassembled Mephiston
1 Painted Metal Astorath
1 Primed/Unassembled Metal Lemartes Guardian of the Lost
1 Metal Librarian (Primed, some paint, has the Jump Pack missing from the Death Company Sprue below)
1 Painted Death Company Dreadnought (Talons, Flamer, Melta and smoke launcher)
5 Man Terminator Squad (Painted, 1 with Cyclone Missile Launcher)
1 Assault Squad New on Sprue
1 Death Company Squad New on Sprue (Missing one Jump Pack)
1 5 Man Death Company (Painted, has jump packs, 1 Thunder Hammer, 1 Infernus Pistol)
1 Tactical Squad (Unassembled but primed...so a million little pieces everywhere)
1 Stormraven Gunship New in (unsealed) Box
Last edited by Salubrious_vampire; 02-04-2013 at 01:36 PM.