Should the DL monthly tournament play RAW? 69.2% in favor of modifications What modifications should be used? 63.6% ITC / 36.4% House rules
What house rules would you want?
No Titans 8 80%
Single LOW 8 80%
Allowing Ravenwing to use HQs other than Sammi 7 70%
ITC-style Invisibility modification 6 60%
ITC-style Ranged-D modification 7 70%
What other house rules would you like to see not listed above? (Verbatims)
- Stomp Attacks: For ITC format events, Damage from a Stomp attack that results in a 6 on the Stomp Table can be passed off of an affected model to a model not also under the stomp template with a successful “Look Out, Sir” roll, if the the target model can normally take a “Look Out, Sir” test. 2+ Rerollable Saves: For ITC format events, any saving throw of a 2+ that can be rerolled, if the first roll is failed, the reroll is failed on a roll of a 1,2 or 3.
- No bitching allowed. Seriously.
- No allies
- I enjoy having different styles of play. I think having some ITC tournaments are fine but I would also like to have a different style the next month. I think this keeps it from getting stale. Also I would like to add the preferred enemy unpainted models rule.