Since I don't have a blog I figured I would update this thread with my hobby progress for the upcoming escalation league. Decided on Necrons with a bone/teal combo. Hopefully I will get to update this pretty regularly and actually get some games in once our field season dies down a bit.
Vargard Obyron - Planning to use this model as an overlord. Love the pose but a little annoyed at the slightly bent warscythe.
Crypteks -
Destrotek - Realized later there is a pic of an eldritch lance on Illuminor Szera but I kind of like mine better as it it what I pictured an assault str8 weapon should look like (even though technically it is supposed to be a staff).
Stormtek -
More to come! O and if anyone has a good idea for a destroyer lord's head I would love to hear about it. Was thinking maybe an immortal head but it might be too small.