"Taking place two years after the events of Darkspace Calamity, Void Break continues the Relic Knights® story with new fiction, backgrounds, and history. Void Break introduces over 40 new units across the existing six factions, greatly expanding players’ options when building their cadres. Among the new units, each faction gains access to a new Questing Knight and Relic Knight to lead their forces and unlock new gameplay combinations."
"The final models from Darkspace Calamity will begin monthly release in July of this year, with the first Void Break units beginning in September and continuing through the launch of the Void Break book in early 2016. To better capture their stunning detail and over-the-top anime aesthetic, each new and dynamic model will be featured in resin, with large, centerpiece models in plastic."
I'm pretty excited! Looking forward to the new concept art for models in the following months, and I'm super stoked about the larger models being made in a different material. I'd love to see the quality improve, while keeping the same aesthetic.
And for those who are rules minded, the new story/unit entries/ rulebook, will essentially be Relic Knights 1.5, including all errata, faq's, and modified rules to give a tighter ruleset. I'm looking forward to it? Are you?
(If interested in getting into Relic Knights, I can provide almost any info you'd need, and you have lovely people in town who would love to help you out!"