So seeing as how GW is behind on putting out any FAQ's/Erratas, I was thinking I would go back to the well that is the player pool and see if we as a group can address any questions so far.
Step 1.
Begin a list of questions. The simple ones lets shelve for now and use common sense on. The more complex ones are the ones we need to see about, IE if it has a weight to it enough to effect or affect game play then let's bring it to the table.
Step 2.
Once we have a batch of questions that just can not be left out or unaddressed any longer we begin the process of answering them. Again we are not going to address anything that is common sense.
Having said that I now ask your the community to do the following, grab the latest edition of your army book that you play the most. Find that one question you can never seem to figure which way it goes and post it here. Hold off on trying to answer it for now, for now let us just do Step 1. wrangle up all the questions that make sense and you think can be a headache for game play. Yes I said that one question earlier, and oddly enough I mean that. To keep this from becoming a run on of doom I just want that one burning question. After we compile a list of questions from each of the books we can begin Step 2.