Originally Posted by
Wiley One
I think the problem is that I left the community......
In all seriousness though, is there anyone manning the post of, new person enters and gets attacked with humor and introduction? Just saying..... I know when I first started back in the BFG days it was tough for me even though I had an in through Thomas and Brandon S., and even with having my loud-mouthed, boisterous, comedic, often inapproprite self, it was still an uphill battle. I have REALLY gotten away from anything competitive as of late. That is to say the competitive mind-set, not a competitive list or desire to win a particular game. I play a pretty even mix of lists now, both fluffy and hard. I TO up here in Dallas for our local events and we don't really have similar issues. It may be important for a few of the more experienced and "older" gamers or players to take the reigns on this one. I ALWAYS make sure to engage any new people, even on a stop in to "check it out". Additionally, I am always aware that without new players there will be no community, eventually.
I think most of the issues lie in leadership. This is in NO way targeted at Chris because he is domineering the tournies, nor is it targeted at John Cook for being the oldest (age and time playing), nor at Splug for being the most Presidential, or any other members of the Austin scene. I have been away from Austin long enough to look at it from the outside in, but not long enough that I forgot how great it was. Seems to me things just lack the right people doing the right things to nurture and grow new and existing members. I think a lot of great ideas have been formulated and if implemented will have a positive impact to push things in the right direction. It will only really take a few of the right people to step-up and make the small differences to see a drastic improvement to ALL aspects of the community as a whole. Who that might be, individually, or as a group I do not know. All I can say is I try to be that way here and it seems to have a positive effect on the places I play and hang out. I am by no means the only one up here either, but I prefer to contribute instead of break down. When I do vent it is to a select person or two...... Just thoughts.