Here are some rules/guidelines for the X Wing tournament being held at BFG on 16 August.
This will be a 3-round "escalation style" tournament. The first round your squad may be up to 75 points, the 2nd round 100 points and the third round 150 points.
If your 1st or 2nd round squad is built on fewer points than allowed (to aid in initiative, for instance) you do not those points from future builds.
Each time you expand your squad, you MAY move upgrades from one ship to another (this is a change from the official tournament rules). For example, my 75 point list includes Luke Skywalker in his X-wing with an R2 astromech droid. When I add 25 points in round 2, I add a Rookie pilot (21 points) and R2-D2 (4 points). I may switch Luke's R2 with the Rookie's R2-D2.
Battle points (BPs) are scored two ways. Destroying your opponent's ships and preserving your own. You earn BPs equal to the fielding cost of each opponent's ship you destroy, including any ordnance, fired or unfired. If you table your opponent you earn the point limit for the round (75/100/150) so you don't lose out for facing an opponent with a short list. In addition, you score points for your own surviving ships, regardless of damage, including all upgrades EXCEPT expended ordnance. For example, in round 1, I table my opponent (75 points) and have Wedge Antilles (29), R2 Astromech (1), Expose (4), and have used my Proton Torpedoes (4). Even though Wedge's build cost is 38 points, I only earn 34 for him since the Proton Torpedoes were expended. My total score for the round is therefore 109 points (75 for tabling plus 34 for Wedge).
As always, each player is expected to bring all materials necessary for play, including dice (or dice app), maneuver templates, maneuver dials, tokens, asteroids, etc. Note that 3rd party templates and the dice app ARE allowed but must be made available for your opponent to use if they so wish.
If you have any questions feel free to ask here or talk to me at the shop.