how would you guys feel about a tournament option where the winner smashes the losers models with a hammer. The loser must watch you cannot go outside for a smoke break. We could call it all in
how would you guys feel about a tournament option where the winner smashes the losers models with a hammer. The loser must watch you cannot go outside for a smoke break. We could call it all in
This would have to be the hammer.
Honestly it's not that bad.
You lose assault and your opponent gets one free punch in the face?
I play dark eldar so when I win assault I get to kidnap your models.
Wrecking Crew Member
I would punch his baby in the face! thats how i roll! ask around, it happens! ~spines
How about a show match between top-tier players, where the community makes their lists?
Battle of the bad lists... commanded by good players -> I'd come watch.
Stony said...
After reading this I have decided that the movie "Pineaple Express" should redo one of its quotes from:
"But if you do something heroic then you'll come back as like an eagle or a dragon, or Jude Law."
"But if you do something heroic then you'll come back as like an eagle or a dragon, or Nick Rose."