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Thread: December 21st WFB 2500 pts

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  1. #1
    Senior Member Geist's Avatar
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    Oct 2010

    December 21st WFB 2500 pts

    So guess what guys, December is being posted now WHY??

    It is once again time for a Donation event. Dragon's Lair has given the go ahead for another "DOLLAR MAKE YAH HOLLER REROLL" charity event.

    That's right 1 dollar buys you a reroll, no limit on how many rerolls you can buy.

    The rules behind a reroll and dollar buys.
    1 ANYONE can reroll any batch. Some one not even playing may buy a reroll. For mission one keep the outside dollar buys separate from the table.
    2 A BATCH is any dice roll that is at least 1 die up to ANY number of dice, all dice in the batch must be rerolled. No cherry picking.
    3 For the purpose of rules the reroll rule in the main book will be ignored. This allows you to buy a reroll and apply it to a batch as many times as you want.
    4 Each batch of rerolls cost the buyer 1 dollar. No free rerolls (some one must pay the dollar fee) and yes if some one wants to they can spot a person a dollar. How they are paid back is between the two parties.

    This will be held in place of the December tourney, but scores and numbers for quarter tracking will BE effected. So now is your chance to buy first place for the month.

    Since it will be charity rerolls, the missions will be very and I mean very simple.

    Mission 1
    "beat the Chris record of money spent on rerolls"
    This one comes from the fact that a certain person spent 50 dollars to kill my flying dread lord in the last reroll tourney.
    Deploy as normal.
    Obj pts 4 to whoever spends the most money on rerolls over the course of the game. Since this is a beater you have to spend over 50, to qualify for the Obj pts. This is per table. This mission has been changed for those "people" who complained about being forced to spend money at a charity event. As long as your table has spent at least 50 bucks in rerolls the person who spent the most may gain the 4 Obj Pts.

    Mission 2
    "Mystery woooo whats going on here?"

    No one gets to know Mission 2 till game time. Have to have some surprises for you guys.

    Mission 3
    "bah humbug"
    This mission is for all you frugal folks in this so called joyous time of the year.
    Deploy as normal.
    Obj pts 4 to whoever spends the least on rerolls. Unlike the first mission this one awards for more money kept in your pocket, but to make it sporting the bar is set at 50 dollars. So whoever spends the least amount under 50 dollars gets the Obj pts. Think of the 50 dollars for this one as a thresh hold, keep it under 50 and your good go over and not so much. Whoever has spent the least by the end of the game gets the Obj pts.
    Last edited by Geist; 11-20-2014 at 03:03 PM.
    "The Machine will grind you down."
    Inventor of the "Chris Noble".

    Bayou 2011 "Hero to Zero"
    Lone Wolf 2011 9 3rd overall. "GateKeeper"
    2013 North Texas Battles 3rd overall and tied for 3rd best sport.

    "He's a judicious calculating master tactitician who will exploit the slightest weakness in anyone's plan and known for building intricate masterful lists that are incredibly hard to destroy and making people pay dearly for tactical mistakes. "

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