First off, I've thoroughly enjoyed running events for you guys. It's put my complaining in perspective, made me like all of you a lot more, helped me see the game from more than just my point of view, and really helped me learn to listen and see that there are ways of having fun that aren't just my way.
I have honestly listened to all the feedback I got, and I listen to you guys while you play. So even if I'm loud, or it seems like I'm not listening or don't respect your opinion I am listening, and I do respect you. I'll be the first to say I'm excitable and loud and like to be heard, and I'm sorry if sometimes I take over conversations. I'm also sorry if I make this about more than a game. Also I want to say I'm sorry to Nick Wenker too for getting out of hand in that one thread. I don't really know you, and while I may not enjoy your hamstyle I'm sorry I bitched at you on a forum that's a dumb thing.
So thanks to you guys, and I hope I get to run more after March.
Description of poll options:
Team: Players bring 1000 points and a partner, or be randomly paired with others who opt for that. All allies will be convenient in this format.
Railhead Practice: Some folks mentioned it, so I'm listing it but it seems boring to play like 9 games the same over two weekends, but on the other side it lets folks who aren't going play their packet see their system which is kind of neat. List construction and railhead missions based on their parameters (with some exceptions, just post in thread if you have questions).
1850 Battleforged, but otherwise unrestricted: You may see a revenant. Fact is some people have these toys, and most of us are nice enough to take a beating. I will definitely write missions to balance things a little.
1850 Highlander: The version of Highlander first introduced to me way back in 5th. No identical units with the exception of troops. You may duplicate troops but their wargear load out must be different if at all possible. I mean way different, don't just buy a melta bombyour special weapons, heavy, and sarge equipment must be different unless distinction is impossible (This is because some dexes have a ton of troops a player may not have purchased, like daemons, I appreciate that one may not have all the different gods' fellers.) Further, if there is a sub-type e.g. land raider you still only get one. Dedicated transports do not count as troops, however you may take two similarly named dedicated transports but their wargear must be different if at all possible starting with turret weapons. Also, a FA drop pod is not different than a Dedicated Transpo pod, so one better have missiles