Sorry guys for the delay on this. I am waiting for the map, we can't declare challenges without that being updated and there has been a hang up with that. I should be able to post it tonight and hopefully we can get challenges done in a timely manner. I will update this post once everything is ready. If you guys can try your best to be active on your faction board later tonight and tomorrow we will try to get challenges worked out quick enough that people can get games in this week still hopefully. I apologize for the delay.
Updated with current challenges:
Xenos Challenges
Tx Plays (Orks) vs RedArmy for Shield Generator on Geminus
ninjawraithlord (eldar) vs Hogleg for Manufactorum on Ranov
Zoro (Tau) vs DandyPandy for empty space between Imperial Manufactorum, Imperial Hive, Chaos Shield Generator, Chaos Space Port on Ranov
ccrazzyyman (Tau) vs Bully Mike for spaceport on Orias
eaglesmvp (eldar) vs Kaika for Command Bastion on Orias
Randomnumber (eldar) vs Caldera for Manufactorum on Orias
Imperial Challenges
RedArmy vs JW for shield gen on ranov
Real Genius vs Noodlers for shield gen on Balin V
Ball4eva vs Sloth for power station on Balin V
Crp vs ccrazyyman for power station on ranov
Hogleg vs randomnumber for hive city on ranov
Dandy vs ninjawraithlord for power station on geminus
Chaos Challenges
Caldera vs eaglesmvp for Hive City on Orias
Sloth vs zoro for Shield Gen on Orias
Bullymike vs TxPlays for Power Station on Orias
Kaika vs ball4eva for hex to the left of our manufactorum on orias
JohnWayne vs RG for hex to the right of spaceport on ranov
Noodlers vs CRP for Hive city on Ranov