Deciding the future of the DL monthly tournament format
Picking up from the previous discussion of whether we should use house rules, ITC FAQ, or RAW for the DL monthly tournaments, I created a poll. I think we should give till Sunday evening for folks to cast votes. I'll report the results here.
You'll need a google account to complete the survey and you can only vote once.
Should the DL monthly tournament play RAW? 69.2% in favor of modifications What modifications should be used? 63.6% ITC / 36.4% House rules
What house rules would you want?
No Titans 8 80%
Single LOW 8 80%
Allowing Ravenwing to use HQs other than Sammi 7 70%
ITC-style Invisibility modification 6 60%
ITC-style Ranged-D modification 7 70%
What other house rules would you like to see not listed above? (Verbatims)
- Stomp Attacks: For ITC format events, Damage from a Stomp attack that results in a 6 on the Stomp Table can be passed off of an affected model to a model not also under the stomp template with a successful “Look Out, Sir” roll, if the the target model can normally take a “Look Out, Sir” test. 2+ Rerollable Saves: For ITC format events, any saving throw of a 2+ that can be rerolled, if the first roll is failed, the reroll is failed on a roll of a 1,2 or 3.
- No bitching allowed. Seriously.
- No allies
- I enjoy having different styles of play. I think having some ITC tournaments are fine but I would also like to have a different style the next month. I think this keeps it from getting stale. Also I would like to add the preferred enemy unpainted models rule.