First game down. Modified Search scenario, with Intel in each building. I played a Scourge opponent. The game was really bloody - bloodier probably than any I've played to date (I ended up with 900+ kill points).
Based off the lessons I learned with Mary, I pushed forward to grab the middle Intel early, which forced is into a delaying CBQ. In fact, there was one building on my backline I never ended up searching!
Key moment in the game was when he blew up the central building with my infantry. But right behind it he had his Desolator (and commander), and two squads of tanks and AA - and my AA bubble in range. With the building down, I destroyed his Desolator, which promptly crash landed and destroyed four units.
I found two objectives, one of which I got off the board. I also scored a few other victory points from the Intel. Based off Hawk scoring, I ended up with 16 VPs, 13 for victory point difference, and 3 more for kill point difference.
Off to the next match.