Here is a good thread from the warhammer forum on army break down.. it might be a little out dated but the general flavor of each army is there.
If you like the look of the High Elves they are an ok army, about middle of the road.
It really comes down to what you enjoy painting and your play style.
Or maybe he could talk to someone who isn't "herp derp i played fantasy a few times and it wasn't 40k so i quit". We should talk ill help you build a cheap good high elf list
Minus67 the voice of reason on the internets everywhere! Thanks, well said.
You know Brandon, you have some what of a point but I have been playing little plastic men for abotu as long as you and my point is still valid. There are inherent flaws with 8th edition fantasy that is not fun for a new person. Dropping over a hundred dollars on little plastic men and finding out you don't like it is not fun.
Tyson before you decide I would get someone to show you a game first so you know how it's played.
Wargamescon 40k Judge
Hogleg - "only in my head someone bought CRP's OOP Wraithlord then stuck its toe in cover."
Yup. I like collecting. I'd buy the battleforce and likely let it set. But I could see getting the battleforce, then later picking up Isle of Blood. If skaven didn't seem so hoard-like and model heavy I'd be considering that. But I like Elves in general, plus I could mix and match with eldar bits.
I've got necrons to finish first and I intend to fill out that force. The battleforces seem like such incredible deals, that if I like the mechanics even a little, then I could see playing it. Also it's one more tournament to play in a month. Since I seem to be a way off from GTs.
I'm doing everything not to start a dark eldar army, since I love that codex so much but for some reason don't have an army...
Also I'm too poor for my warhammer ambitions. Hambitions. I need a second job just to funnel into warhammer.
I'm not trying to say Fantasy is some god tier game that is the picture of perfection, it has flaws (skaven) just like any other game but there is a vocal chorus of you guys who played fantasy for a month (excluding Ben) put 500 points into a general had him blow up and quit the game. How about rather than telling anyone who is interested to not try it you instead offer some advice like " it has a learning curve, or talk to Minus67 or someone else who still plays" or just shut your mouth.
I think Warmahordes is actually a terribly flawed game but i don't go around actively discouraging people from playing it.
Last edited by Minus67; 12-01-2011 at 10:26 AM.