I've been busy working on this thing for the past 3 months, and am pleased after the long wait to say...Pre-Registration is up!

There is a little less than 2 months till D-Day, but I wanted to get this thing going again, as I am tired of slaving away in my game room, kitchen table, and on the couch painting terrain and other stuff associated with running a tourney. Damn, I forgot how much work all of that really was!

Get over to the FB page for all of the info.


However, let me give you a little bit of a recap.

5 games, special Texas themed Steamroller-type scenarios (there are some twists to them, all will be disclosed on the FB page before the event) awards for Overall, Battle, Sportsmanship (I know, I know I can hear it now, "There's a soft score?"), Fastest Caster Kill, and "Misfire".

Sponsors from all over. Southpaw Art and Design, Instamorph, Kneadatite, Gale Force Nine, Dungeon Werks GA, Jerry's Artarama (can you say Winsor and Newton?), JR Miniatures, Secret Weapon Miniatures, KR Multicase, + others!

There will be door prizes for EVERYONE! And no, I'm not talking wound counters or anything. They start out in the $20 range and go up to $60. When you register, you will "pull" an envelope from the pull board, and that will be your prize. There will be a couple of swag items for all players as well.

Sandwiches provided by Subway.

And there will also be a raffle to include some really cool painted models from some of the forum favorites here. Althai, popg0estheworld, Commander Y, Ghool, Terarin, odinsgrandson, plus a few others. Tickets are $2, who wouldn't pay $2 for a chance to win the Croak Hunter painted by althai? You know, althai...the guy that won P3 Grandmaster at Lock and Load! David is just an awesome guy, on top of being an awesome painter.

Stop by the FB page and check things out. If you happen to be in the area in October, why not throw down on some awesome terrain from a host of terrain studios (plus some of mine at least complement theirs...)