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Thread: Stepping up to the rear rank

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  1. #1
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2010

    Stepping up to the rear rank

    This contention came up today playing WHFB:

    Skaven runners assaulted the rear flank of a Lizardmen unit. I was told that as the Skaven killed the entire back rank of the Lizardmen unit that the LMs would not get to attack back because "Step up" means "Step up to the front rank."

    Here is my problem with this interpretation:

    Nowhere under the "Remove Casualties" section on page 51 (Big Book) do the rules state that models only "step up" when casualties are removed from the front rank. I understand the confusion with the terms "up", "forward", and "front rank", but the section never says "front rank". It does, however, state that we replace casualties in the "fighting rank". As in "Step up to the fighting rank".


    Even though casualties are removed from the rear rank, the LMs replace the fighting rank (this case, the rear rank) with fresh warriors (Remove Casualties, pg 51 BB), are in base-to-base contact pretty much no matter how you gerrymander it ("Incomplete Ranks" pg 49 BB), and thus can fight when it is their turn ("Who can strike?" pg 48 BB).

    Last edited by TreeSap; 11-03-2010 at 02:42 AM.

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