Lowes shows 2" 4'x2' but no 4'x8' http://www.lowes.com/pd_41439-10477-...7C1&facetInfo=
Lowes shows 2" 4'x2' but no 4'x8' http://www.lowes.com/pd_41439-10477-...7C1&facetInfo=
"Don't take my win from me! I don't have many to claim!"
There are a number of stores here in Dallas that have it in stock. I will post before my next trip down and people can just let me know how many they want and I can offload with one person that can also collect the $. MAybe Nick if he is wanting a bunch of sheets for WGC?
Probably be down in a couple weeks if that works for everyone.
"I'm not a win-at-all-costs guy. Winning isn't everything. It's second to breathing." - George "The Boss" Steinbrenner
512-263-3527 McCoy's can order it.
Will, are you going to put it in your glove box?
"Don't take my win from me! I don't have many to claim!"
SUV... Marie's car not mine. I couldn't fit one single sheet in my car, unless I drove with the top down....
"I'm not a win-at-all-costs guy. Winning isn't everything. It's second to breathing." - George "The Boss" Steinbrenner
HA, I need 2 sheets.
"Don't take my win from me! I don't have many to claim!"
If we order enough sheets from Will can his car become a carboat? Sails of foam try to tack the wind to save gas money!!
"The Machine will grind you down."
Inventor of the "Chris Noble".
Bayou 2011 "Hero to Zero"
Lone Wolf 2011 9 3rd overall. "GateKeeper"
2013 North Texas Battles 3rd overall and tied for 3rd best sport.
"He's a judicious calculating master tactitician who will exploit the slightest weakness in anyone's plan and known for building intricate masterful lists that are incredibly hard to destroy and making people pay dearly for tactical mistakes. "
It would be boat-car, as boats come first since they have been around longer.
"I'm not a win-at-all-costs guy. Winning isn't everything. It's second to breathing." - George "The Boss" Steinbrenner
Hey Will is the 2" you can get in Dallas the blue foam or white foam? Also what size are the sheets?
póg mo thóin
If I tell you, "You're wrong," you'll need to click this.
Does anybody else find it odd, by the way, that the information age has led to language becoming an oblique and imprecise tool where even the most straightforward phrasing is pored over with chicken entrails and bone tossing to divine the true meaning?
Blue Foam: 2"X24"X48"
I just noticed as well. You can have Lowe's ship it to your house for $5.99.... Might just be easier on everyone to do it that way. It's only 5 something a sheet and 5.99 to ship to your door. I would have one person order and have it all shipped there though to save on shipping costs. I plan on getting some regardless so just let me know what you want to do.
"I'm not a win-at-all-costs guy. Winning isn't everything. It's second to breathing." - George "The Boss" Steinbrenner