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Thread: Dark Eldar Rumor Compliation

  1. #1
    Senior Member Caldera02's Avatar
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    Dark Eldar Rumor Compliation


    Compilation from various sources:

    Haywire grenades only for characters

    -No vect
    -Archon armour 5+, no ap2 board or bike, only boosts PfP turn number when fielded in the new DE detachment which also grants 5+ cover save for Troops and 6+ cover save for everything else on the first turn but only if Night Fight
    -Succubus has option of AP2 weapon
    -Hemie: 70, +1 to the pfp turn if there is a heamie in the unit.
    -Drahzar: 190, EW, Rampage, +1A for every 6 to wound, Incubi get +1 WS if Drahzar is in the unit.
    -Lilith: 150, Rampage, No armour saves agaist her close combat attacks, rerolls to hit and to wound in close combat
    -Court: Llamean 10, Ur ghul 15, Medusae 25, Sslyth 25

    Haywire grenades only for characters

    - Harlequins are gone from the codex

    -Scourges: 16 points each, 4 weapons allowed

    -Incubi: 20 points, ap 2 init order, no grenades no upgrade powers

    -Reavers: 16 points each, can leave combat, save is still 5+, no longer attack while moving, now bladevanes are improved HoW. all HoW attacks are Rending, base is 1 S4 hit, Caltrops D6 S6, Grav is 1 S4 Concussive.

    -Witches: 10 points. NO haywires.

    -Kabalites: 8 points

    -Talos: 120, units of 1-3, fnp stock no pfp. 3 attacks. Chain flails only give shred.

    -Cronos: 100, units of 1-3, Spirit Probe now improves FnP of all Dark eldar in 6" by 1 to a max od 4+

    -Mandrakes: 12, lost 5++ baleblast s4 ap4 18” assault 2 soulblaze

    -Hellions: 13, no grenades

    - Beasts: Khymeras S4/T4, Flocks WS2 A4 W3, Fiend WS3, W3. Max size of 12.

    -Trueborn 1 pt cheaper, min size 5 no carbines. NO haywires.

    -Wracks elite no improvement, 1 special/5 models
    grots 35/model, FnP

    - Bomber is 160 points + cost of missiles

    - Ravager more expensive lost aerial assault. Raiders and Ravagers come with dissis. Dark lances + 5 points

    -Venom almost same cost, cannot take +1 stealth

    -Razorwing fast attack, 130 with dissis, +10 for dark lances, void mine is 5” blast

    -NO lord of war

    Combat drugs
    1: +1A
    2: +1S
    3: +1I
    4: +1T
    5:+1 WS
    6: +1Ld

    Power from Pain
    Turn 1:Nothing
    Turn 2: FnP 6+
    Turn 3: FnP
    Turn 4: Fnp, Furious Charge
    Turn 5: Turn 4 + Fearless
    Turn 6+: Turn 5 + Rage
    (+1 to turn if haemon in the unit)

    - Huskblade ap3, cheaper, not a relic

    - Hex Rifle inflicts ID on Precision Hits got cheaper

    - Soul Trap gives +1s for each usnaved wound inflicted in a challenge

    - Phantasm GL works like TGL, shorter range. Doesn’t work on ATSKNF

    - Ossefactor is assault 1, fleshbane, ap2. If something is killed then the victims unit get d6 hits with s equal to t of the victim, ap-, ignores cover

    - Liquifier is now s3 more expensive

    - Venom Blade can only be taken by the Acothyst now

    - Stun Claw +1S, ap6, confers ID in challenge

    - Shadow Field is more expensive doesn’t fail until end of phase

    - Agoniser is now Poison 4+, still AP3, same cost

    - Scissorhand is Poison 4+, Rending

    - Electro corrosive whip is Poison 5+ (sic), AP3, Concussive and is also the most expensive of all Coven weapons

    - Flesh Gauntlet is Poison 4+, ID on 6 To Hit

    - PGL does NOT confer grenades anymore - I have not seen the Incubi profile page, so cannot say if they've gained grenades or not

    - Splinter Cannons are Salvo 4/6 and got more expensive (so a double nerf)
    - lances on infantry are a bit cheaper

    - Heat Lance sliiiightly cheaper, it also says that it can be only taken by Scourges but without seeing the unit profiles I cannot verify if Reavers can take it or not

    - Mindphase Gauntlet, Flesh Gauntlet, Scissorhand are cheaper, half the cost; ECW is the same

    - Djin blade became 33% more expensive

    -- Animus Vitae
    one use, assault 1, s4 ap2, 8" if a unsaved wound is inflicted lets all Dark eldar add 1 to the turn number for PfP effects until the end of the game

    -- Archangel of Pain
    once per game, all units within 9" test Ld with a -2 penalty, then take a wound with no cover/armor saves for each point they failed. Sounds great BUT this does not work against ATSKNF!

    -- Armour of Misery
    Ghostplate with Fear and -2 Ld penalty to all enemy units within 6"

    -- Djin Blade
    AP3, +2 Attacks, after all attacks roll D6, on 1 the bearer suffers a wound with no saves

    -- Helm of Spite
    Adamantium Will for all friendly units within 12", Psykers within 12" suffer Perils on any double.

    -- Parasite's Kiss
    Pistol, Poison 2+, Master-crafted, after inflicting an unsaved wound, the bearer restores a single wound.

    - Wych weapons
    (all 5 points):
    Hydras confer Shred
    Razors reroll To Hit
    Shardnet/Impaler reroll 1s on To Hit and To Wound

    Vehicles, equipments/weapons
    - Splinter racks now work on all Splinter weapons

    - Shock Prow now gives AV14 when ramming

    - Chain Snares now let a vehicle Tank Shock but not Ram

    - Torment Gren. Launchers can now be fired, 24", blast, s1, unit hit tests Ld, takes a wound for each point it failed, no armor or cover saves, doesnt work against ATSKNF

    - Night Shield confers Stealth can’t be taken by venoms

    - flickerfields only for venoms

    - sails let a vehicle flat out 24"

    - Monoscythe, Shatterfield and Necrotoxin missles haven't changed

    - Implosion Msls are s6 ap2 blast

    - there are no new ranged weapons other than Ossefactor and Dark Scythe (24", S8, AP2, blast, only on Bomber)

    - Stinger Pod hasn’t changed

    - TGL, Night Shields, Splinter Racks, Trophies are all more expensive. TGL in particular has tripled in cost.

    - Envenomed Blades and Retrofire Jets are gone.

    - bomber is 10 av on all sides
    Wargamescon 40k Judge
    Hogleg - "only in my head someone bought CRP's OOP Wraithlord then stuck its toe in cover."

  2. #2
    Senior Member cptjoeyg's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Caldera02 View Post
    Why is that?
    "you're too serious, man. It's just toy soldiers..... You should go to a tournament and lose three games on purpose. It's Liberating." ~ John Cook

  3. #3
    Senior Member Caldera02's Avatar
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    An already pretty crappy codex, looking like all we are getting is mostly nerfs? I didn't think i needed to spell it out.
    Wargamescon 40k Judge
    Hogleg - "only in my head someone bought CRP's OOP Wraithlord then stuck its toe in cover."

  4. #4
    Senior Member Revenant's Avatar
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    Shut up Jordan. We banned Sam for less.
    Last edited by Hogleg; 10-02-2014 at 09:49 AM.
    Warhammer legend 1990 -2015. RIP Warhammer Fantasy. F**k GW
    Warmachine legend in training!
    Kings of War if I have to...

  5. #5
    Senior Member CRP's Avatar
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    Jordan wants to fisted.
    "Don't take my win from me! I don't have many to claim!"

  6. #6
    Senior Member Beamo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Caldera02 View Post
    An already pretty crappy codex, looking like all we are getting is mostly nerfs? I didn't think i needed to spell it out.
    some of it looks cool, but overall, I agree with you. We just had the conversation about how the bomber needs a tweaking of the bombs, and a 20-30 point decrease, and instead they dropped the AV.

    It also looks like they played a trick on everyone by pushing coven models hard for 2 weeks, and then wracks are elite with no means to make them troop.

    fnp on t3 models is not a reliable mechanic in an edition filled with str6 weapons. on top of that, giving everyone stealth and cover mechanics are all well and good, except that eldar and tau, who already ignore cover with said str 6, will continue to dominate everyone.

    So yeah, looks like a great hobby codex that will rarely be seen in a tournament except for one build that will be bonkers if you stick to the same plan that works for all codices: roll 6's.

  7. #7
    Senior Member CRP's Avatar
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    I think you guys are acting like Henney Penney....except Jordon he is just cruising for a fisting.
    "Don't take my win from me! I don't have many to claim!"

  8. #8
    Fashionably Late daKing's Avatar
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    I'm okay with the changes. Looks like DE will continue to be a shooty army. I always played my Warriors in gun boats with splinter racks. That looks to have improved.

    Now my raider jinks for a 3++ save and the splinter cannon also rerolls to hit! We need more information the tell if Wyches get dodge save from overwatch, which might just save them. Shadow field also doesn't have to roll one save at a time anymore. Everyone hated rolling that crap one at a time. John Cook will probably still do it anyway tho...

    Generally tweeks to weapons don't bother me. Bomber sounds crazy ezpensive but let's see how it plays.
    Wrecking Crew Member

    I would punch his baby in the face! thats how i roll! ask around, it happens! ~spines

  9. #9
    Senior Member Caldera02's Avatar
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    I'm really worried about wyches, because that is my army. If they put out a wych supplement, maybe? Also I'm really peeved they took out Vect.
    Wargamescon 40k Judge
    Hogleg - "only in my head someone bought CRP's OOP Wraithlord then stuck its toe in cover."

  10. #10
    Hedgefund (Admin) Darkwynn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Caldera02 View Post
    I'm really worried about wyches, because that is my army. If they put out a wych supplement, maybe? Also I'm really peeved they took out Vect.
    Still waiting on that Black Templar Supplement...
    Stony said...

    After reading this I have decided that the movie "Pineaple Express" should redo one of its quotes from:

    "But if you do something heroic then you'll come back as like an eagle or a dragon, or Jude Law."


    "But if you do something heroic then you'll come back as like an eagle or a dragon, or Nick Rose."

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