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Thread: Treachery! The Return from the Return to Zottani Mountain

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    Senior Member RealGenius's Avatar
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    Treachery! The Return from the Return to Zottani Mountain

    .... | invalidated input |...
    {Execute Apostacy.ini...}
    ...Access Granted
    User Recognized
    Welcome Astartes blessed are your communications, be they protected by the Emperor's Will
    ... - ~/z/message.mech

    ... -r ~/z/message.mech/oldterran.ini
    this message is not from your command... stop
    we have observed and halted the movements of your young race in the sector... stop
    we have observed appoach of the young race, tribe ALPHA LEGION, into orbit of PLANET UNAMED... stop
    The young race, tribe ALPHA LEGION, approaches PLANET UNAMED... stop
    the mines are not important to us, nor is your upstart race, however the NEW GODS the young race, tribe ALPHA LEGION, represent could pose a threat to ...[unrecognized input]...stop
    we are prepared to offer a single mine on PLANET UNAMED...stop
    the mine we currently hold will be destroyed... stop
    After examination of resources we have determined [unrecognized input]><><<><><>... stop
    this is your only option to comply... stop
    This is not an action of alliance your movements upon PLANET UNAMED will permitted and ignored... stop
    Actions of young race, tribe ALPHA LEGION, will be thwarted with extreme prejudice... stop
    action to the affirmative indicates acceptance of the directive... stop
    actions to the contrary will be met with prejudice and executable <>>>>>>><<>< [unrecognized input] should you choose to ignore this directive...
    full stop

    .... | ><}%~>>^%<@.%.. |...
    {^.^%.}%}>#%#{## @~@.%<>.<~%.#@.}
    ...Target Language Synchronized.

    Chrono-lingual node activated.


    Target system found. Capturing data.

    ...rsonal log, Knight-Captain Gondamer.

    Ritten's return was surprising and menacing. His interment was hasty and I believe he has started the path to madness. The cold and calculating Ritten is gone. Only the righteous and furious Ritten remains. In that sense, his self-bestowed name is fitting.

    He is, however, correct in regard to the mission. The Zottani Mines are still a priority and if they fall into the traitor's hands it could be disaster. Recon indicates traitors have entered the region and to be sure the mechanical Xenos are still around.

    The original mission plan was sound. What could have happened to cause Vydel and Tournet to deviate so greatly from the plan? Intel shows the line warriors are no match for our Knights in combat. But their flyers and large mechanicals are fearsome.

    And what to make from the transmission? Tech-Sargeant Chen and others are reinforcing our communications systems, but the intent was clear. The warning fits with our plans, so perhaps it isn't relevant. Ritten did not seem worried, and was eager to accept unrequested aid. His priority is clearly the traitors. But I'm not so sure. My Sanguinary Knights will be on guard, and won't turn our backs to them.

    The mission will be swift: a surgical strike to disable the mines. There is no glory to be earned here. With The Slaughtering Star in position, we will be able to make a direct landing to the site of the remaining mines and destroy them. Ritten the Righteous will be in tow. Hopefully he'll find traitors to fight; I prefer to give him a wide birth on the field of battle.

    Ritten or not, we will finish the mission as originally… zzzzzt.


    "Gotcha, you little bugger." Tech Sergeant Chen crushed the green glow out of the beetle-like robot with his utility servo arm.

    The utility arm was much smaller than the normal servo arm he used, but it was good for fine detail work and fitted easily to his carapace, instead of power armor or a full servo harness. It was the perfect tool for crawling around the ship's utility passages hunting unknown transmitters.

    He slid backwards out of the access channel-- clearly not made for someone with the bulk of a Astartes-- and into the larger utility chimney. Chen stretched upgright and brought the utility arm in to his body for a closer look at the remains. He released the utility arm and turned the crumpled beetle over in his two hands.

    "Not much left unfortunately," Chen noted and as he confirmed with his multi-spectral analyzer, "but at least the transmission has stopped. Well, back to the bench for you."

    He dropped the beetle into a pouch at his waist and noticed a small drop of blood on the back of his hand. Chen wiped the spot with his thumb and the wound was already closed.

    "Darn rusty old boat," he muttered and he climbed down the utility ladder to the landing bays.


    Vydel knew he was fully recovered because he was now dealing with the bureaucracy of a company campaign. His Chief TechnoSquire had arranged on his desk a small mountain of data slates and printed rolls. He worked through the stack diligently, with only small stiffness in his left shoulder, just above the new bionic.

    His door chime rang and he glanced at the desk display. The doctor was prompt, as always.

    "Enter," Vydel commanded. The door slid open and the white robed Apothecary Duval stepped into the office. He remembered Grand Master Lazaerek's words when Vydel ascended to 4th Company Knight-Captain. "Great gift" was hardly how he'd describe Duval. More like "annoying custodian". Years his senior, Duval always claimed age and experience above Vydel instead of formal rank. Head down, Vydel continued his work.


    "Yes?" asked Vydel raising his eyes to the Apothecary.

    "Are you well?"

    Vydel raised the right sleeve of his robes to expose the new bionic. Silver and shining, the arm was detailed with pastoral scenes from Costeau, former Fire Hawks homeworld, and icons of the chapter. Red and white gold inlaid flames decorated the upper arm like a metallic tattoo. Duval recognized the icon on the elbow, a gear and staff, as signature of Tech Sergeant Chen, one of the chapter's finest smiths.

    Vydel placed his elbow on the desk, hand up, and cycled through motions of each of the fingers. Each cycled smoothly with a small whir and click as the joints flexed and extended. Duval noticed a small pause at full extension of the middle digit.

    "You and Chen have done a commendable job. It is the arm I've always wanted," said the captain with a mock smile. Duval examined the joint between the metallic and flesh and nodded.

    "Very well, then." said Duval as he pulled down the sleeve of Vydel's robe. "And you've heard of the situation with the survivors of Seventh?"

    He had. Seventh Assault Squad was favorite of Knight-Captain Gondamer. Before joining the Sanguinary Knights, he was Seventh Sergeant and each mission Gondamer led usually included "Gondamer's Shield", which is what the squad called itself. After seeing Gondamer fall at Zottani, the survivors from the squad had returned eyes glazed and had separated themselves from their battle brothers. The seven survivors mostly kept to the reclusiam.

    "They ask for action in the next offensive. Men with guns. They are more fit for duty than skulking around here," explained Duval.

    "Have they chosen a Knight?" asked Vydel. He was in a bureaucratic mood.

    "No, but Brother Vollmer tells me he 'got nominated real good'."

    "Him then," decided Vydel. "And Duval," he started carefully, "inform the Master Artificer to preserve our chapter's relics."

    "I understand. I believe there are a few functional training suits available for them to use."

    "Good". Duval headed to the door, which opened for him. He paused and turned back towards the desk.

    "The middle digit," he started before Vydel cut him off.

    "Ancient Terran custom. That is all, Apothecary."

    With a nod, Duval left and the door slid closed behind him. Knight-Captain Sebasjian Vydel allowed himself a brief smile.
    Last edited by RealGenius; 03-19-2013 at 10:13 AM.
    This is why you don't go to Jim's. --Minus67
    Rook End | The Fly Lords of Terra

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