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Thread: Eldar, cutting down to 1850

  1. #1
    Senior Member
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    Eldar, cutting down to 1850

    I've been running the following at 2000 points the last couple weeks, and it's been treating me well:

    (210) Eldrad
    (155) Avatar
    (192) 10 Howling Banshees: Exarch w/ Executioner, Acrobatic, War Shout
    (386) 10 Wraithguard: Warlock w/ Spiritseer upgrade, Embolden
    (100) 10 Guardians w/ Eldar Missile Launcher
    (100) 10 Guardians w/ Eldar Missile Launcher
    (152) 10 Dire Avengers: Exarch w/ Dual ASC's, Bladestorm
    (174) 6 Warp Spiders: Exarch w/ Dual Deathspinners, Powerblades, Withdraw
    (217) 5 Dark Reapers: Exarch w/ Tempest Launcher, Crack Shot
    (155) Wraithlord: 2x Flamers, Eldar Missile Launcher, Bright Lance
    (155) Wraithlord: 2x Flamers, Eldar Missile Launcher, Bright Lance

    The biggest problem I have currently is breaking open vehicles, particularly light transports. There are a total of 6 long-range S8 shots, one meltagun, and the 10 wraithcannons. The only reliable way I have to get at vehicles is at extremely short range, often by punching them with a wraithlord. So while dropping a wraithlord is the easiest way to cut out 150 points to get down to 1850, it's also making a weak area even weaker... which I don't like. One option is to drop the wraithguard down to a 5-6 man squad and add a third guardian team, but then my expendable cover saves become more important than the squad they're protecting. I could pull the dire avengers, but similarly going down to 3 scoring units (two of which are prone to suiciding for the wraithguard) is problematic again. Anyone have suggestions on a way to tone things down somewhat evenly through the list, rather than just taking one full squad, since they all have a fairly key inter-locked role to fill currently?

  2. #2
    Senior Member RealGenius's Avatar
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    Why not just shrink all the squads by 1? There's no "need 10 to get the special weapon" requirement like Marines. Granted some are at the minimum already, but 1 Reaper plus 1 Warp Spider plus Avenger plus 1 Wraithguard plus 1 Banshee should get you close.

    Maybe change the Reaper Exarch over to a EML to get another S8?

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by RealGenius View Post
    Why not just shrink all the squads by 1? There's no "need 10 to get the special weapon" requirement like Marines. Granted some are at the minimum already, but 1 Reaper plus 1 Warp Spider plus Avenger plus 1 Wraithguard plus 1 Banshee should get you close.

    Maybe change the Reaper Exarch over to a EML to get another S8?
    Dropping the reaper/warp spider squad sizes were something I'd considered, but there's such a huge amount of points on the spiders that's sunk into the one exarch to keep them functional (withdraw) that the other spiders are relatively cheap. Dropping a reaper or two might make sense. I can't pull anyone from the wraithguard - they have to be 10+spiritseer to count as scoring. If I were to downsize them at all, I'd just drop to 5-6, take them as elite, and call it a day with points to spare. Swapping the reaper exarch over to a EML I don't think makes sense; if I'm going to shoot at tanks, I'd be better off just dropping the squad and grabbing a third WL - that way, the weapon platform is more mobile, and more intimidating to charge.

    Swapping the reapers for a pair of scatter laser warwalkers is an option though... S6 is enough to pop open rhinos, especially early game. It'd save me 97 points. If I pull the exarch from the DA squad, that's another 32. The spiritseer with the WG only has embolden because I had no other use for those 5 points, so that's an easy target. There were 4 points unspent (total was 1996 before). That's all but 12 points... so I can drop one DA and that should add up to 1850. I'd lose out on the long range anti-marine firepower, but I'd gain some long-range bulk shooting (enough to compensate the loss in the DA's. I keep the core block of stuff going up the middle though, and my long-range weaponry becomes entirely move-and-shoot, which is nice. That may be what I end up doing.

    Modified list:
    (210) Eldrad
    (155) Avatar
    (192) 10 Howling Banshees: Exarch w/ Executioner, Acrobatic, War Shout
    (381) 10 Wraithguard: Warlock w/ Spiritseer upgrade
    (100) 10 Guardians w/ Eldar Missile Launcher
    (100) 10 Guardians w/ Eldar Missile Launcher
    (108) 9 Dire Avengers
    (174) 6 Warp Spiders: Exarch w/ Dual Deathspinners, Powerblades, Withdraw
    (120) 2 War Walkers: 4x Scatter Lasers
    (155) Wraithlord: 2x Flamers, Eldar Missile Launcher, Bright Lance
    (155) Wraithlord: 2x Flamers, Eldar Missile Launcher, Bright Lance
    Last edited by Splug; 09-30-2010 at 02:35 PM. Reason: Added modified list

  4. #4
    Senior Member CRP's Avatar
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    Keep the Reapers Matt.
    "Don't take my win from me! I don't have many to claim!"

  5. #5
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    Ahh, Crazy Red Praetorean, that acronym took me too long to process.

    Yeah... it's hard to pull the reapers, but I really don't see any good options to lose the points from either. The warp spiders are about the only low-hanging fruit, but the problem is that I need something that actually has the ability to get to the other side of the board and contest an objective.

  6. #6
    Senior Member evilamericorp's Avatar
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    Warp spiders are pure badassitude. You leave them alone.
    Give a man fire, and you keep him warm for a night.
    Set a man on fire, and you keep him warm for the rest of his life.

  7. #7
    Fashionably Late daKing's Avatar
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    from what ive seen, the Dark Reaper exarch is about the only one who ever does anything in the unit so you might consider dropping the other two dudes if they remain in your army. I would also advise against the warwalkers. To me they only seem good at outflanking with scatter lasers to ensure side shots. If you are looking to pop transports early on, then you have to set them up in your deployment zone and they are just too easy to kill. Especially when your whole army is getting cover saves, your opponent gets a lot more bang for their buck by shooting them, so they are a prime target.

  8. #8
    Senior Member MarkT's Avatar
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    Why not drop the Avengers and call it good? Admittedly you're down to two fairly fragile troops choices for holding objectives, and your screen gets smaller. But you retain every element of your army that gives me the willies. Sure blade storm will dump 2 or three wounds on terminators (if you roll like I do), or kill 3 to 5 tac marines (and of course do a number on more squishy targets) but you have other elements that are just as effective.

  9. #9
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    Another option is to drop one dark reaper and cut the wraithguard squad down to 5, then take a fourth guardian squad. The list actually gains killing power that way (getting more than about 7 WG into range of something without assuming the "get raped by blast templates formation" is unlikely), but the WG become non-scoring then. It also gets harder to keep the wraithlords awake without a spiritseer, but that's realistically not a huge risk - they should be within counter-assault range of Eldrad anyway. List ends up looking like this:

    (210) Eldrad
    (155) Avatar
    (192) 10 Howling Banshees: Exarch w/ Executioner, Acrobatic, War Shout
    (175) 5 Wraithguard
    (100) 10 Guardians w/ Eldar Missile Launcher
    (100) 10 Guardians w/ Eldar Missile Launcher
    (100) 10 Guardians w/ Eldar Missile Launcher
    (152) 10 Dire Avengers: Exarch w/ Dual ASC's, Bladestorm
    (174) 6 Warp Spiders: Exarch w/ Dual Deathspinners, Powerblades, Withdraw
    (182) 4 Dark Reapers: Exarch w/ Tempest Launcher, Crack Shot
    (155) Wraithlord: 2x Flamers, Eldar Missile Launcher, Bright Lance
    (155) Wraithlord: 2x Flamers, Eldar Missile Launcher, Bright Lance

    I guess the question is, am I better off with 4 very squishy scoring units, or one absurdly durable scoring unit and 2 squishy ones?

  10. #10
    Hedgefund (Admin) Darkwynn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Splug View Post
    Another option is to drop one dark reaper and cut the wraithguard squad down to 5, then take a fourth guardian squad. The list actually gains killing power that way (getting more than about 7 WG into range of something without assuming the "get raped by blast templates formation" is unlikely), but the WG become non-scoring then. It also gets harder to keep the wraithlords awake without a spiritseer, but that's realistically not a huge risk - they should be within counter-assault range of Eldrad anyway. List ends up looking like this:

    (210) Eldrad
    (155) Avatar

    (192) 10 Howling Banshees: Exarch w/ Executioner, Acrobatic, War Shout
    (175) 5 Wraithguard
    (100) 10 Guardians w/ Eldar Missile Launcher
    (100) 10 Guardians w/ Eldar Missile Launcher
    (100) 10 Guardians w/ Eldar Missile Launcher
    (152) 10 Dire Avengers: Exarch w/ Dual ASC's, Bladestorm
    (174) 6 Warp Spiders: Exarch w/ Dual Deathspinners, Powerblades, Withdraw
    (182) 4 Dark Reapers: Exarch w/ Tempest Launcher, Crack Shot
    (155) Wraithlord: 2x Flamers, Eldar Missile Launcher, Bright Lance
    (155) Wraithlord: 2x Flamers, Eldar Missile Launcher, Bright Lance

    I guess the question is, am I better off with 4 very squishy scoring units, or one absurdly durable scoring unit and 2 squishy ones?


    10 x Wraithguard (11#, 396 pts)
    1 Spiritseer - Conceal
    9 x Dire Avengers (9#, 108 pts)
    3 x Guardian Jetbike Squadron (4#, 145 pts) - Shuriken Cannon x1)
    1 Spiritseer Embolden; Spiritseer Upgrade; Singing Spear

    Wraithlord (1#, 120 pts) - Flamer x2; Wraith sword; Brightl ance
    Wraithlord (1#, 120 pts) - Flamer x2; Wraithsword; brightlance
    Wraithlord (1#, 120 pts) - Flamer x2; Wraithsword; Brightlance

    5 x Harlequin Troupe (6#, 182 pts) - Harlequins Kiss x5; Fusion Pistol; Fusion Pistol;
    1 Shadowseer - Harlequins Kiss

    7 x Warp Spiders (8#, 218 pts) - 7 Warp Spiders
    1 Warp Spider Exarch - Withdraw ; Hit & Run; Powerblades; Death Spinner x2

    Work something with that as a frame
    Last edited by Darkwynn; 10-01-2010 at 11:34 AM.

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