Yup. I like collecting. I'd buy the battleforce and likely let it set. But I could see getting the battleforce, then later picking up Isle of Blood. If skaven didn't seem so hoard-like and model heavy I'd be considering that. But I like Elves in general, plus I could mix and match with eldar bits.

I've got necrons to finish first and I intend to fill out that force. The battleforces seem like such incredible deals, that if I like the mechanics even a little, then I could see playing it. Also it's one more tournament to play in a month. Since I seem to be a way off from GTs.

I'm doing everything not to start a dark eldar army, since I love that codex so much but for some reason don't have an army...

Also I'm too poor for my warhammer ambitions. Hambitions. I need a second job just to funnel into warhammer.