So I ran this last night...

2 x 10 purifiers (5 halberd, 1 hammer, 4 psycannon)
3 x 10 purifier (5 sword, 1 hammer, 4 psycannon)
3 x psyrifle dreads

Got beat by splug's black templars in a spearhead, capture and control game. Reasonably competitive game, was hurt by the relatively short range of the psycannons (and by being outplayed). Didn't have any way to threaten his backfield. Dreadnoughts died early, did relatively little.

Beat muffinman's orcs. Purifiers are really sick vs. multi-wound nobs and hordes of boyz. No surprise there. Dreadnoughts killed a nob squad, otherwise did little.

Crowe was awful in both games.

I'd really like to fit some techmarines in for grenades, bolster, and an extra hammerhand where it is needed.

List #2

Librarian (sanctuary, shroud, quicksilver, rift)
2 x techmarine w/rad & psychostoke
4 x 10 purifiers (5 halberd, 1 hammer, 4 psycannon)
2 x psyrifle

Fewer boots. Fewer guns. Bolster + grenades, 2+ cover saves with shroud. Better?