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  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    opinion on Tau

    I am looking at tau and they look like a really fun army more of the guerilla type warfare. anyone play them and could give me some more information?

  2. #2
    Hedgefund (Admin) Darkwynn's Avatar
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    Tau have it rough right now because they are costly point wise. That being said they can be a fun type of army and you can get a lot of enjoyment out of them. I would stick to staying around crisis suits, Warriors and tanks as much as you can. Avoid things like Vespids and etherals unless you just want a fun unit.

  3. #3
    The tough thing about Tau that I saw while trying to help my friend make a decent army was that they just don't have a way to do anything in a points efficient manner.

    Firewarriors can lay down some serious hurt on infantry with their pulse rifles, but they cant really do anything to vehicles, cause they cant take any kind of heavy weapon. Plus they die pretty easy.

    Crisis suits can take fusion blasters and rocket pods and plasma rifles and all kinds of other cool stuff, but they are super expensive, and die really easily these days with all the meltaguns and missile launchers floating around.

    Hammerheads with railguns and a disruption pod are definitely one of the better tanks in the game, if not one of the best. Unfortunately, they cost around 200 points with all the fixin's, and you can only ever take 3. Also, with so many deepstriking/outflanking meltaguns, they still die pretty easy.

    Putting your firewarriors in devilfish is pretty much a must, but once again, devilfish are really expensive. Also, they have no firing ports, so your guys cant do anything while embarked.

    Stealth suits are actually pretty cool, and are the cheapest way to get a markerlight that can shoot on the move. (the other way is to give marker drones to crisis suits, but marker drones are expensive) But once again, like most tau units, they are expensive, and still die pretty easy.

    Tau are cool, and can be fun (just wait till you kill that Furioso dreadnaught by shooting it in the back with gun-drones), but its gonna be a tough road, and your pretty much always going to be fighting uphill.

  4. #4
    Fashionably Late daKing's Avatar
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    I agree with the two statements above. Tau are not the worst army but definetly have to be built in a very specific manner to be competitive, and a number of their units are just terrible.

    That being said, the army is almost all plastic and the models are exreemly well sculpted. NTM even though their codex has lost some strength over time, they have kept the same play style. Very mobile and fluid.

  5. #5
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    With everyone being able to run, multiple methods of arriving in bizzare ways (deepstrike, outflank, marbos silliness), long weapon ranges, relativley small tables, and ever increasing model count as point costs are slashed, "guerillia" warfare is pretty much impossible in 40k

    Well it was with Eldar before the new IG codex, but Tau have never been fast enough

  6. #6
    Senior Member FrankJamison's Avatar
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    If you go all Mechanized (Devilfish & Hammerheads), it is still - somewhat - possible. But as Nick stated, you're paying a premium for those vehicles as compared to the Eldar doing the same thing. And Eldar can fight their way out of a wet paper bag.

    Still, Tau are a fun army with cool models. I wouldn't take them to 'Ard Boyz, but they're not Necrons either.

    Quote Originally Posted by Terr View Post
    With everyone being able to run, multiple methods of arriving in bizzare ways (deepstrike, outflank, marbos silliness), long weapon ranges, relativley small tables, and ever increasing model count as point costs are slashed, "guerillia" warfare is pretty much impossible in 40k

    Well it was with Eldar before the new IG codex, but Tau have never been fast enough
    To err is human, to forgive is not SAC policy.

  7. #7
    Senior Member RealGenius's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by FrankJamison View Post
    but they're not Necrons either.
    Yeah, Necrons are at least decent.

  8. #8
    Junior Member
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    however if you get a jet pack based army and enough terrain you can have your crisis suits jumping up above the horizion shoot at your opponent and then jump back down. all before your opponents next turn...

  9. #9
    UUDDLRLRBA... over 9000!
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    Quote Originally Posted by realgenius View Post
    yeah, necrons are at least decent.

  10. #10
    Senior Member Ironbullet's Avatar
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    I pledge to start a tau army the next time they get an update....I just can't see playing them with the current rule set.

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