And hello all new and old players to this months tournament news blast.
This month sees us doing a lil practice work for my event down in San An. So if your coming to this local and to Fantom Fest expect to see alot of similarities in the missions. For the official news not much to announce other than this is the second month and that only a handful showed up for the first quarter. Which while typical is kinda sad given I know at least 8 folks who stayed home that weekend.
So yes this is a segue for my lil rant about attendance. Let me make it very very simple. The more that show the bigger the money pot. The less that show the less money in the pot. For those of you who say but I never place or I cant paint that well, there is always random gift card. Trust me its truly random, only one person has gotten it twice in a very short span of time. So it truly goes to different none winning people every time. The point of this rant? You know when the tournies are going to happen, so make a mark on your calendar get your butts in gear and get down their and play. If you don't show up then you only have yourself to blame for the lack of cash and player variety on hand. Now since I can't just be a cruel old bastard and leave it on such a negative note the store (Dragon's Lair) has asked me to pass on a message.
From da boss her self Angie:
Terrain is being worked on, this means that old nasty terrain is being sorted tossed or reworked to be better. New pieces are being painted, more new pieces are in the works to be had. Lastly the matter of table tops is a known factor and will be addressed.
A time frame was not given on this last tid bit so please don't harass me the other TO's or the store about when it will happen, just know that it will happen. So there we have it news for Sept, and some very good news from everyone's favorite play space Dragon's Lair.