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Thread: VC Converting/model ideas

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2010

    VC Converting/model ideas

    So I trying to put together a VC army with the models I have and without spending too much money.Here is the break down. Does anyone have any tips..What is pushing the line on conversions.

    30+ zombies.
    40-45 skeletons with two 4-man unit fillers.
    10 Grave guard
    10 Wraiths
    10 old skeleton cavalry could be Black Knights.
    Various Wights, Vampires, and Necros for heroes

    Now the conversion ideas.
    The Empire War Wagon converted to a Black coach.
    The old 5th edition plastic bits from the starter box converted to Blood Knight using the above Black Knight skeletons.
    Nagash as a Varghulf
    Miscellaneous old plastics as spirit hosts.
    8-10 Mummies no idea what to with these guys.

    I'd like to pick up some mantic ghouls to round out the list and another 2 boxes of Grave guard, and that would put me around $100 out of pocket.

    Thanks for looking.

  2. #2
    Senior Member Geist's Avatar
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    It can work, just rember try to find some way to theme all the bits together, so that it all looks like one big cohesive mass. With some creative work you could make the mummies into wraiths. Sounds like a solid plan. Bring some of your works up to DL on a Tuesday some time so we can see how its coming about. Good luck.
    "The Machine will grind you down."
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  3. #3
    Senior Member evilamericorp's Avatar
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    For the love of all that is holy.
    Do not use Nagash as anything.

    He is the single worst Citadel miniature ever produced.
    Give a man fire, and you keep him warm for a night.
    Set a man on fire, and you keep him warm for the rest of his life.

  4. #4
    Senior Member Wiley One's Avatar
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    I have a ton of Skeletons that aren't seeing any play. I could work out a deal with you if you'd like. Send me a PM if interested. I may have a ton of other bits you might want as well. I know I have a ton of GG and Skellie bits.
    "I'm not a win-at-all-costs guy. Winning isn't everything. It's second to breathing." - George "The Boss" Steinbrenner

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by evilamericorp View Post
    For the love of all that is holy.
    Do not use Nagash as anything.

    He is the single worst Citadel miniature ever produced.
    You know they still sell it in the collectors section. I imagine dust covered cases of old clown hat just waiting for the right time to rise again.

  6. #6
    Senior Member Geist's Avatar
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    I can not rember for the life of me where I saw it, but some one did once take the nagash model and make it look good. I think they shaved the crazy hat rim off. Something, but they made it look less clown.
    "The Machine will grind you down."
    Inventor of the "Chris Noble".

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  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Geist View Post
    I can not rember for the life of me where I saw it, but some one did once take the nagash model and make it look good. I think they shaved the crazy hat rim off. Something, but they made it look less clown.
    The two best I've seen are face re-sculpt and great paint job .
    I'm lucky if I can fill with green stuff let alone sculpt. I'd just use him as a varghulf for the fun of it and until I acquire a more appropriate model.

    Theme is something I struggle with Empire, Bretonnia, Pirate VC themes are all options. But short term I want to get stuff painted and on the table, then work on Theme later.

  8. #8
    Senior Member Geist's Avatar
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    That paint job is bloody brilliant, just brilliant.
    "The Machine will grind you down."
    Inventor of the "Chris Noble".

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    "He's a judicious calculating master tactitician who will exploit the slightest weakness in anyone's plan and known for building intricate masterful lists that are incredibly hard to destroy and making people pay dearly for tactical mistakes. "

  9. #9
    Senior Member evilamericorp's Avatar
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    Worst model ever.
    Give a man fire, and you keep him warm for a night.
    Set a man on fire, and you keep him warm for the rest of his life.

  10. #10
    Senior Member Geist's Avatar
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    Ugly model or not its still a damn nice paint job.
    "The Machine will grind you down."
    Inventor of the "Chris Noble".

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    2013 North Texas Battles 3rd overall and tied for 3rd best sport.

    "He's a judicious calculating master tactitician who will exploit the slightest weakness in anyone's plan and known for building intricate masterful lists that are incredibly hard to destroy and making people pay dearly for tactical mistakes. "

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