Quote Originally Posted by CRP View Post
Hey Will, I do want them for the $250. Whenever you get to town is fine. I'm in no hurry but I do want them for JW. My cell has been spotty lately, the battery is dying the slow death. ....and yes Nick R.= n00b.....but so is everyone else now...

Will are you sure you don't want to build this army....Nob bikers are the new Nob bikers.

I personally didn't think there was anything wrong with 5th edition, just bad codexes.

If I had to pick only ONE reason why I don't like 6th edition, it would probably be pre-measuring.

I don't live in the Austin area and dont see me getting much games in between all the tournaments I would want to go, which would leave me less experienced then the rest of the pack.

I wouldn't want to build a Nob Biker army because my friend already runs one with much success.

I also don't want to build an army, paint it terribly, and drive to austin only to be cheated during a friendly game.

All in all, this is my bow out to the 40k universe.

I hope your son gets much, much, much enjoyment out of them because that is all that is important.

Now Tyson, see how many grammatical errors you can find!