Well my steamroller was going hot at 2-0 Ehaley beat up Pmadrak and Ecaine dropped pmorghoul when I found out deathclock was not really deathclock. With 20minutes left on my deathclock and my temporal accelerated ironclad about to charge Ecaine with 2 focus in the rear arc for a really good chance at a boosted knockdown in front of my whole army time was called....And he won on scenario
Hardcore I lost mage hunter with a 0 and a 5 to a 0 and a 4... 1st round I killed Vyros with 5 models,I lost 2nd round to menoth because I forgot about pkreoss purify, 3rd round I killed Pbutcher with 0 , and I lost to Evayle after leaving her on 2...she was behind a wall and was hard to hit My best damage roll was like a 7 on 3 dice haha...
Tiers tournament: I crushed kids with 3mo and made masters. Killed hunters grim/3vlad/Ehaley/Rahn
Masters: Round 1: Ehaley vs EDoomy: I didn't 1 round mulg and feated. But, I dropped his spirit and knocked him down with gunmages. He killed my stormwall 2 rounds later with rok/5 box left earthborn/axer. He put doomy kinda out front with only 3 fury. I shot him till he dropped.
Round 2: 3mo vs Ekaya: I was doing nice damage to the beasts with pod bounces. He gets the stormwall down to 11 with a stalker. I feat kill the stalker/ get kaya down to 1 box/kill an alpha/ and 1/2 of the other stalker. He kills the stormwall but leaves only 3 fury on kaya and a little more left then the rest of her army. I run a stormstrider within 4" of her. Shoot my strider in the back with 2 nemo shots, chain lightning, and the other strider. GG
Round 3: 3mo vs Pbaldur: I fry most of the bloodtrackers on the right. He misses ghetorix stoneshift to stormwall by about .75" I slam a stormlance into ghettorix and kill him with shooting. He tries to 1 round a stormstrider to get 4 control, he fails , I boost to hit with stormwall and kill bladur.
Round 4: Ecain vs Rasheth: I lost my rangers and 1/2 of my precursors. Ecaine took 4 off a breath of corruption 2nd turn. I kill the bronze back. I kill every arc node but the agoniser that I left on 4. He clears the models engaging agoniser, run it to Ecaine who is camping 2, -3 breath of corruption rolls 13 dead Ecaine . If i survive that one arc its my army vs 2 heavies and a light.