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Thread: H NURGLE,HARLEQUINS, DA, nids: W BA, OnG and DE, nids

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  1. #1
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2012

    H NURGLE,HARLEQUINS, DA, nids: W BA, OnG and DE, nids

    Looking for
    1 box of dark elf witches NIB
    BA tactical marines new guys
    Furioso Dready
    Rhino, predators, razor backs and vindicators assembled and prime are fine
    flesh tearer shoulder pads
    space wolves terminator shoulder pads
    new 32mm bases for marines
    plastic gargoyles
    hive crone
    mucosid spores???? (or whatever the name they have)

    lego star wars
    mandalorian speeder set
    mandalorian fighter set
    super mandalorian troops

    iron warriors conversion kit
    sicarian tanks
    30k style predators and rhinos
    spartan tank
    fire raptor
    legion basilik
    Legion fellblade


    All models are armed and at least primed or painted
    about 3 set of skull pass worth of night goblins over 125+ plus all the metal generic characters
    3 metal goblin fanatics LE (2 holding the night fanatic)

    ruglud and his armored orcs (10 models)
    gorbad (metal)
    skarsnick and gobba (with a different hand weapon)
    black orc warboss
    black orc bsb LE
    games day black orc
    badruck headsplitta
    and some shamans

    zombies new in box
    3 assembled skeleton chariots
    8 skeleton horseriders
    metal ghouls 2nd edition 12
    grave guard with halberds 2nd edition 9 complete +6 missing halberds (no shields)

    warriors from chaos assembled 20

    brettonian metal man at arm x 10

    plague furnace missing the monks that ring the furnance
    stormvermin x 10
    plague monks x 10
    censer bearers x 15
    warp claw catapult missing crew
    Plague priest mounted in giant rat
    two sets of island of blood worth of skaven

    10+ deathwing termies from DV
    20+ tactical marines from DV

    20 termagaunts assembled and painted
    20 genestealers
    2 venomthropes cast in resine from a chinese seller
    Last edited by skuller05; 04-02-2015 at 09:19 AM.

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