Quote Originally Posted by muffinman View Post
yup, now is a pretty good time for Skorne. I'm the only real regular Skorne player at DL, but we have a number of guys talking about picking it up. What are you looking at starting with?
I was going to grab the warpack and look toward Big Smashy Beasts from there. But the problem is that I know enough about them that I know there's a thousand ways to take them, and I like most of those ways! Once money and time catch up to ambition, I'll likely be aiming in the direction of Rasheth, Hexeris (either one), and Mordikaar. I mainly like the Big Smashy Beasts (which are fun as a Trollbloods player, but TBs generally depend too much on infantry and layered infantry support/synergy for my liking), but I also dig the Cryx-like soul shenanigans (which don't depend so heavily on what your opponent brings) and the whole "My army exists to die for the cause" angle of a Zaal/Hexeris/Mordikaar army.