Originally Posted by
Wiley One
I am gonna run an all combat vamp list with Kemmler as my caster. Regular combat lord as my general. I am feeling two of the Mortis engines with TONS of zombies and skellies. Lots of regen going around.
On another note: In reading the Mortis Engine "The Reliquary,"it seems to me that if you have two of them that the abilities would stack on one another. ie, if you have two of them dropping counters each turn, you would get to the 4+ regen even faster. Also, in re-reading the rule, if they have no regen can they only ever get a 6+save?! Or did they mis-write this and they do get a cummulative save based on the number of counters?! I may be over thinking this.......
@minus67 - Call when you want I am looking forward to tossing some ideas around.