Haven't you heard? Nick is terrible at 40k. He doesn't know how to play, his lists are awful, and he is strategically stunted. No way he won this tournament...
(Good god, I wasted about 5 hours watching the live coverage--how you lost GoatBoy I can't piece it, fateweaver is a son-of-a-bitch, and deserves a codex to eradicate it--but the chat was all dogging Nick. After each move I **** you not people were all, "YUP THIS IS WHERE HE LOST IT!" or "lol, no counter for x, y is gonna happen!" my favorite, after Nick took a table quarter, "bad move." "Heh, yeah I know right, but haven't you heard 'he's a tactical genius.'")
God damn it. When Nick or anyone from Austin does well it's like my team is winning. I hate these assholes on the internet. I'm thinking of becoming Nick's enforcer. Someone says some ****, I'll just say "Shut the **** up loser, if you're so good beat him on table 1."
I'm a ways off from winning a GT (if ever) so we need to get JWolf back in the big stage winning mood. Cause goddamn this game needs an asshole.
My favorite comment of the day was when Thomas reminded Kenny to assault and the chat went wild. "OMG, Good Sportsmanship from Goatboy!" "And, he shouldn't have reminded him about that assault, lol way to throw the game!"
Good god you internet weasels, pick a position, either BoLS players play well, or play like assholes. You can't pick and choose.
(For the record, we play awesome in Austin).