I played in the wonkos narrative last Saturday. I guess as the rules go it was my first actual narrative event. As you all would have guessed I loved it.
Here is what happened.
The first thing I liked about it is we got to play zone mortals. I have played small games before but not one in a maze with doors you had to blow. I really liked the game.
The second thing was that in each of my next two games it did not matter whether I won. Yes, I got a shiny infernus pistol but frankly my interest was making sure my opponent had a good game.
The third thing is that it brought out a different crowd. No netlists, just dudes who usually probably play at home but felt it was ok to come out to wonkos. Well, it was.
I actually never thought not keeping a standings, not having a top table, and having random prizes would make a difference but it did.
So, I'm a narrative guy. I like to travel to play, but if I can play in a narrative I will do it. It's a lot more relaxing to play if you don't have to worry if the mistake you just made will cost you the game and a possible 2-1 record instead of 1-2.