Not so mine had 9 models at 150. It's why the Cateran Sniper ran the table.
Do this^^^
^^^ This^^^ at 300 pts I have 15 models. 5 in second squad that are a link team. Otherwise I would be looking for 16 to 18 models.
Not so mine had 9 models at 150. It's why the Cateran Sniper ran the table.
Do this^^^
^^^ This^^^ at 300 pts I have 15 models. 5 in second squad that are a link team. Otherwise I would be looking for 16 to 18 models.
póg mo thóin
If I tell you, "You're wrong," you'll need to click this.
Does anybody else find it odd, by the way, that the information age has led to language becoming an oblique and imprecise tool where even the most straightforward phrasing is pored over with chicken entrails and bone tossing to divine the true meaning?