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Thread: Wargamescon 2015 Narrative Imperial Gathering Post

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  1. #2
    sysadmin DandyPandy's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2014
    Round Rock, TX
    I'm Daniel. I go by Daniel or Dandy, but I seethe inside when people call me Dan or Danny. I play Ultramarines. The core of my forces are from the 2nd company. Yes, they are the poster boys, and I don't care.

    For the event, I'm working up two battle groups. These are pretty much the only two armies I can field in the event and I'm having to paint quite a bit between now and the event to field these. Also, I'll only be able to run only one at a time due to not having enough models painted. I haven't thought up the fluff behind the battle groups, but I'll be working on it.

    Deep Strike Themed
    Captain in Terminator Armor - 160
    - TH/SS
    - Digital weapons

    Chaplain - 115
    - Jump pack
    - Digital weapons

    1st Tactical Squad - 10-man - 220
    - Combi-plasma
    - Plasma
    - Heavy Bolter
    - Drop pod
    - Locator beacon

    2nd Tactical Squad - 10-man - 220
    - Combi-plasma
    - Plasma
    - Heavy Bolter
    - Drop pod
    - Locator beacon

    3rd Tactical Squad - 10-man - 215
    - Combi-melta
    - Meltagun
    - Multi-melta
    - Drop pod
    - Locator beacon

    Scout Squad - 120
    - 5x CCW
    - Land Speeder Storm w/ Heavy Flamer
    - Teleport homer

    Vanguard Veteran Squad - 5-man - 225
    - Jump packs
    - 2x Chainsword w/ Storm Shield
    - 3x Dual Lightning Claws
    - Melta bombs

    Assault Terminator Squad - 5-man - 225
    - 5x TH/SS

    Total: 1500

    Mechanized Themed
    Captain in Terminator Armor - 185
    - Thunder Hammer
    - Shield Ubiquitous

    1st Tactical Squad - 10-man - 210
    - Combi-plasma
    - Plasma
    - Heavy Bolter
    - Rhino

    2nd Tactical Squad - 10-man - 210
    - Combi-plasma
    - Plasma
    - Heavy Bolter
    - Rhino

    Assault Terminator Squad - 5-man - 485
    - 5x TH/SS
    - Land Raider Crusader w/ Multi-melta

    Fast Attack
    Bike Squad - 4-man - 124
    - Combi-grav
    - 2x Grav-guns

    Bike Squad - 3-man w/ Attack Bike - 143
    - 2x Meltaguns
    - Melta bombs
    - Attack Bike w/ Multi-melta

    Heavy Support
    Predator - 140
    - TLLC
    - Sponson LC

    Total: 1497
    Last edited by DandyPandy; 05-09-2015 at 09:33 PM.

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