My gaming habits seem to be changing and 40K isn't currently on the agenda. I have an Imperial Guard army, briefly described below. If we get serious I'll get more detail together. All the melta and plasma gun in the army are converted to resemble the flamer, in that they are carried at the wast on a should sling and not like a rifle as the normal ones are. The conversions are done from flamer and melta/plasma guns and are perfectly legal and identifiable.
60+ Cadian Guardsmen (4 flamer, 4 plasmagun, 9 meltagun). 20 Of the guardsmen are completely assembled. 20 do not have heads yet. The final 20 need heads and rifles. Basing is complete on these models (plasitc card basing)
9 Cadian Heavy Weapon Teams in various states of assembly some of the bases are complete, I'll include plastic to finish out the remaining bases or am willing to do it as part of sale.
2 Valkyries mostly assembled. I have the bits to complete or convert to Vendetta's.
1 assembled hell hound chassis
1 new on sprue hellhound chassis
5 assembled chimeras. The chimera's are converted to have their guns mid-read mounted. They look good.
1 new on sprue chimera. Willing to build and convert it to match as part of sale
2 manticore's
1 converted colossus
2 3rd edition leman russes, one is demolisher, one is regular russ. No extra bits, they are as is.
Retail, excluding the russes, and not itemizing for the melta/plasma gunners (including them in the price of a 10 man cadian box) is about 900.00 if you itemize for the special weapons and include the russes it's well over 1000.00. I would like to 500.00 for it. Not willing to split. It's all or nothing. Alternately' I'll trade retail for retail for Dystopian Wars, Infinity, X-wing, maybe Dust, and possibly Warmahordes. Also interested in AT-43 shipping crates, and laser cut terrain appropriate for Infinity.
PM me of your interested.