If your goal is to get a bunch of S10 close combat attacks, you have succeeded. I have no idea to what end, but it is a goal and it was met.
If your goal was to create a face-smashing list, the lack of long-ranged anti-tank (defiler cannons are nice but it means they're not running, and they aren't enough alone) combined with the unreliable chaos dreads means it probably could be done better, but that's still a lot of AV12 and a lot of S10. It'd be interesting, but I think you'll run into the problems mentioned above where you play a mechanized opponent and lash becomes fairly lackluster as a result.
If your goal was to put together a fun, "hobby" list I think you may have missed the boat. There's too much AV12 and blatantly copy/pasted entries. Even with the chaos dreads' ability to be completely worthless, Adam has pretty much nailed it on the head: someone who's unprepared for that much AV12 is going to have a hard time with the list, and is going to be mad. This is a build that is going to be potentially weak against a face-smashing list, and potentially frustrating against a goofy list.
It's an interesting concept for sake of discussion, but I would not recommend assembling the list if you'd have to invest anything to do it.