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Thread: Jan 2015 18th 2500pt WFB and Update for the Quarter!!!!!

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    Senior Member Geist's Avatar
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    Jan 2015 18th 2500pt WFB and Update for the Quarter!!!!!

    Happy new years gang. Some quick announcements:

    First this month is the third quarter for this period so its cup time!!!!

    Second after over a year's worth of running this gig I am going to take a brief rest. Brandon has offered to run the next 3 months on a trial basis. So while I will not be fully in charge I will not be stepping down either. Just going to join the ranks of players for the next 3 months. Also this does not mean I will miss any of the up coming tourneys just because I am not running them.

    Having made this small and larger announcement I now give you the standings for this quarter so you know who is in the running for the nerd cup.

    PS Swedish comp will be in full effect with this one, details closer to tourney time.

    Your Cup Standings:
    Mike G. 9 (4from 1st 5from this last one)
    Jeff G. 7 (edited to show corrected standings)
    Dimitri 5 (4 from 1st and 1from this last one)
    Nate C.6 (5 from 1st and 1 from this last one)
    Todd 1
    Jordan 1
    Will 1
    Lex 1
    John 1
    Justin 2 (1 from 1st and 1 from this last one)
    Mikey 1
    Jim 1
    Chris C. 1
    Craig 1
    Joe 3
    Brandon 2 (1from 1st and 1 from this last one)
    Zach 2 (1 from 1st and 1 from this last one)
    Larry 1
    John (from the army boys) 3 (sorry don't have a last name for the two John's)
    Ed 1
    Eric 1
    Zorro 1
    Jay 1

    The Rubric for the points is based upon the following system:
    1st place gets 5pts
    2nd place gets 4pts
    3rd place gets 3pts
    Best Painted is 3pts
    Attendance is 1pt for showing and staying for all 3 games.

    If you have questions about the points standings feel free to let me know them. The points are recorded to the best of my ability and if you think any of the numbers are off please let me know.

    Happy new year and I look forward to being in the trenches with you players as a player instead of the man making the calls. For those who forgot or need a reminder a link to the rules packet.
    Last edited by Geist; 01-15-2015 at 02:56 PM.
    "The Machine will grind you down."
    Inventor of the "Chris Noble".

    Bayou 2011 "Hero to Zero"
    Lone Wolf 2011 9 3rd overall. "GateKeeper"
    2013 North Texas Battles 3rd overall and tied for 3rd best sport.

    "He's a judicious calculating master tactitician who will exploit the slightest weakness in anyone's plan and known for building intricate masterful lists that are incredibly hard to destroy and making people pay dearly for tactical mistakes. "

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