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Thread: WH40K Sun 3/16 DLair

  1. #91
    Senior Member Beamo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by flatscan View Post
    Not every codex has MCs, not every codex has Daemonic creatures, not every codex even has vehicles. Wow, there's variety in the type of things armies can bring to the table. What ever shall we do with all the options we may face??!!!
    You seem like you're getting wound up. You should calm down. It's just a game dude.

    Quote Originally Posted by flatscan View Post
    As to yours and other,"suggestions," that's where the trolling comes in. Cover saves are nice, but they aren't an end all be all. If they were I'd say stick your Dreadnaught behind an Aegis and revel in the magic. You can't move it from the Aegis to engage because that would expose you to that which can kill you without the save. Except with a Dread armed with Lascannons you would still have range on your opponents where my Exocrines range is 24." So burrowing in cover is not an option for Nids. Yes I can take Venomthropes for mobile cover and I do and other armies, like Dark Angels can do the same. Shoot, just ally with DA and take a Darkshroud and your Dread has cover. Stick your Dread in front of the DS and bikes or Terminators in front of the Dread and you have moving 3+ cover saves. There are solutions to what you guys are griping about. Try them some time.
    No, but cover is better than nothing. Who said dig down in cover? MC's just have to hop along the edge until they get close enough to assault. The darkshroud only shrouds itself, and only grants stealth to friendlies, thus not allies of convenience. not to mention, having to buy a darkshroud and another unit to wrap the dreadnought is not a solution, it's an exemplification of the fact that the dreadnought is a weak link. Also, I'm not looking for advice (your words) from people who don't run dreadnoughts.

  2. #92
    The complete lack of dreadnoughts on the table in 6th vs. the abundance of MC is not a conspiracy. One sucks, the other is awesome.

  3. #93
    Quote Originally Posted by vermicious knid View Post
    The complete lack of dreadnoughts on the table in 6th vs. the abundance of MC is not a conspiracy. One sucks, the other is awesome.
    Not commenting on the relative effectiveness of the two, but there have been about a billion badass new monstrous creature models released during 6th versus how many Dreadnoughts? You pretty much have the Hellbrute and the Forge/Mauler-fiend. So that would account for the discrepancy even barring disparate power levels.
    Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken

  4. #94
    Senior Member flatscan's Avatar
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    And I ran with a Maulerfiend all of last year. What's that? Experience with a Dreadnaught has I???!!!

  5. #95
    Senior Member Beamo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by flatscan View Post
    And I ran with a Maulerfiend all of last year. What's that? Experience with a Dreadnaught has I?
    Not really. A maulerfiend has the capacity to ignore difficult terrain, reduce the number of enemy attacks coming at it, and comes with a 5+ invul. The Hellbrute is clearly a dreadnought, but the forge/mauler is no more a dreadnought than a soulgrinder or defiler is, which is to say, it's not. It's a walker with a 12/12/10 AV, but the similarities end there.

  6. #96
    Senior Member flatscan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Beamo View Post
    Not really. A maulerfiend has the capacity to ignore difficult terrain, reduce the number of enemy attacks coming at it, and comes with a 5+ invul. The Hellbrute is clearly a dreadnought, but the forge/mauler is no more a dreadnought than a soulgrinder or defiler is, which is to say, it's not. It's a walker with a 12/12/10 AV, but the similarities end there.
    And once again we come to different armies have different units with different strengths/weaknesses. Maybe you should stop expecting whatever puppy army you're playing to have all the best rules. That's reserved for Tau.

  7. #97
    Senior Member Beamo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by flatscan View Post
    And once again we come to different armies have different units with different strengths/weaknesses. Maybe you should stop expecting whatever puppy army you're playing to have all the best rules. That's reserved for Tau.
    lol bitter much? I don't get why you're so jealous of wolves. no one told you you couldn't play them, but you chose DA for some reason. Now allying Tau into my wolves... there's a concept.

  8. #98
    Quote Originally Posted by The Dude View Post
    Not commenting on the relative effectiveness of the two, but there have been about a billion badass new monstrous creature models released during 6th versus how many Dreadnoughts? You pretty much have the Hellbrute and the Forge/Mauler-fiend. So that would account for the discrepancy even barring disparate power levels.
    I propose that if dreadnoughts were good people would still run them, new hotness or no.

    Walkers need something extra to be worth the investment. Soulgrinders and defilers are better in assault, have more/better guns, have an invulnerable save, etc... Knights have all the superheavy sexiness. War walkers are cheap and shooty. Dreadnoughts are just 100 points of sadness. They are the Charlie Brown of walkers.

  9. #99
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    Charlie brown of walkers lol.

  10. #100
    Senior Member flatscan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Beamo View Post
    lol bitter much? I don't get why you're so jealous of wolves. no one told you you couldn't play them, but you chose DA for some reason. Now allying Tau into my wolves... there's a concept.
    Naw, not bitter at all. I enjoy using every unit in my arsenal. They all have their use, even if it's only in Apocalypse.

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