Full Fennblades 8 Points
-Fennblade Officer and Drummer 2 Points
Minimum Pygmy Burrowers 4 Points
Minimum Krielstone Bearers 3 Points
-Stone Scribe Elder 1 Point
Fell Caller Hero 3 Points
Stone Scribe Chronicler 2 Points
I'm probably going to end up at the tournament on Sunday, and I'm looking for tactical advice. The list is pretty much set in (a kriel)stone, I don't have the time or resources to pick up anything new before then. I'm mostly looking for advice on what I'm likely to see played, some good suggestions of how to play the list against them, and which units I'll want to read up on so I don't spend most of my clock asking for reminders on what they do. Basically drown me in information about the local meta.
Secondly, a couple of rules questions:
1. If all of the burrowers have been knocked down, can they burrow underground during their turn?
2. On tongue damage, the Swamp Troll can push a hit model into base contact with itself. Nothing stops him from pushing a knocked down model, correct?
3. Cumbersome only stops both weapons from being used in the same activation, so Grim can shoot someone with his normal rifle, cast return fire on himself, and when it's triggered during the opponents turn use the snare rifle to knock down someone, correct?