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Thread: GT & IGT scale tournament idea

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  1. #4
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    see i want to create more pazaz to go with the bigger GT, IGT, RGTs. after going to a few i notice that there is no big anouncements, they simply put your name on a paper and slap it on the wall. i would like to see great players spotlighted. there also could add in the part of a bracket system where if you use your wits you can stack the bracket in your favor but someone else could hunt you on the bracket. also this goes from being about pitting best against best and letting them kill each other off but rather let the best meet somewheres down the bracket!

    and on the part of Badges, i would say over all winners at the big events would win a badge and maybe a Codex Medal for having overall best out of your codex. also a titan killer/Gargantuan kill for things like Gladiator. and even in the narative track you can be awarded Hero for what ever the missions may be! i just like the idea of bring more "Honor" and "Glory" to the hobby instead of it alway being about "hey i won Adepticon and got $300 in plastic"
    Last edited by splnes; 08-13-2011 at 03:45 PM.

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