Yeah, comparing the first and revised version of the rules pack, I imagine that was the intent in making the alteration on spaceport to include adjacent hexes.
RedArmy may not be checking in too much, so would you still be wanting to make that challenge Kaika? for one of the non special adjacent spaces?
Do y'all agree that is the intent in the change? For reference:
Original:Furthermore, a faction in control of a spaceport, is considered to be adjacent to the spaceport of each planet and may always strike the space port of any other planet if so chosen.
Revised:Furthermore, a faction in control of a spaceport, is considered to be adjacent to the spaceport of each planet and as such may always strike the space port or any adjacent hex of any other planet if so chosen.
From both, under challenges: In order to target a given hex it must have a direct line that can be drawn from the attacking players' territory to the hex being challenged on the map. However, in order to attack any special quadrant (i.e. space port, hive city, city, manufactorum, etc.), the players faction will be required to first hold at least one quadrant which is adjacent to the target first.
The intent of the revision was to keep the planet from being entirely unassailable if a player holds both SP and SG.
Last edited by morella888; 07-01-2015 at 05:26 PM.