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Thread: Rules Question

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  1. #26
    Senior Member morella888's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    Wasn't sure from the rules packet - if a unit takes more than 2/3 casualties, but is still alive at end of game, does the unit still exist, just without XP? I had assumed on first read that a unit less than 2/3 was just gone, but not so sure on second look.

    Also, for vehicles in squadrons - we decided to treat them individually right? So the 1 war walker left out of the 3 WW squadron would be available to use later, either alone or reformed with other singles?

    And do we choose the specific battle honor every turn? Mainly, for those that 'cost' 2 honors - can we select one then swap out in a later turn if more xp are gained?

    And 'Lady Luck' (BH) - could the wording on that be changed to one failed save, so as to include invuls? some of the eldar don't have an armor save

    On the character table, what if the character does not participate in the next say 2 battles, say if you rolled 2. Would it be back to full health then, on the next battle it is used for?

    Also, regarding the defender bonus of an additional hex, i assume these will be selected after all games this turn are resolved. Just wondering, before that, if we want to consider whether this be limited to nonspecial hexes, unless only special hexes are available. Also, i think it would be good to exclude any spaces that were part of a challenge that turn from consideration, mainly from a narrative standpoint.

    edited by Red Army: Sorry, I meant to respond with quote, and apparently edited this instead. I now re-edited to the original version (plus this note). Sorry Erin .... but my responses should now properly show below.
    Last edited by RedArmy; 07-10-2015 at 07:44 AM.

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