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Thread: H: Random stuff! W: Tau Battlesuits or $$$

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    Senior Member
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    Oct 2010

    H: Random stuff! W: Tau Battlesuits or $$$

    So, I was digging through my closet to get stuff I thought I had when I came across some wondrous items I never will ever use!


    Let's start!
    - Chaos Land Raider
    (Not very chaosy, I had it as a nurgle land raider and it's mostly de-nurgalized now, and only two circular top hatches proclaim it's of chaos origin so it can easily be used for imperial useage if you can strip the enamel paint off of it)

    (Enamal painted Thyphus)

    -Imperial Guard Chimera
    (Like from 3rd edition reboot one, this baby got thrown around in a car crash but can easily be rebuilt, only is missing the top hatch on top of the turret, can probably cannablize from a rhino kit or something to fix that right quick... Bad paint not finished, so easy to work with)

    -Imperial Guard hellhound
    (Third-Ed hellhound, missing parts of the tanks on the back, sorry can't find those, probably strewn on I-10 somewhere. Same paint as the chimera)

    -Leman Russ Exterminator
    (A nice little leman russ with HB sponsons and Lascannon hull mount, ah looks like one of the autocannons broke off, but who uses an exterminator anyways? quick spray paint of gray for space wolf use)

    -Leman Russ Demolisher...kinda...
    (So this poor fella got beat up really bad, third ed tank missing it's poor turret barrel but hull in good shape, looks like one of the plasma cannon sponsons is missing, but with a lascannon hull mount you still have the body of a Leman Russ!)

    Pre-Heresy Space Wolves
    (By pre-heresy I mean made by my ex-friend (long story, synopsis: He's a douchebag) anyways he threw these at me and they are the chaos warrior bodies with marine parts, look pretty cool actually. I have fully made, 8 guys with bolter and chainsword, 1 with plasmagun chainsword, 1 with power axe stormshield.. bolter.. combo.., two with power fist and bolter, one with lightning claw and bolter, and 5 guys conveniently lacking arms but all else are good.)

    That's it for now! If I find more in my treks (likely space marines, infact I know I have bikes somewhere...) I will inform you!
    Last edited by ace423; 04-18-2011 at 05:38 PM.

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