ugh... you people and your painted models.
Just tell me when and how many points - I'm all good up to 10k points!
I'll bring 1000k of AL this thursday to have a go. (They may be partially/all painted as to confuse their opponents). Also, Brandon is correct, you better have someway for a large-ish tac squad to avoid/re-roll leadership. Also, plasma is hot and scary.
Occam's Razor, it's not just a Magic card. -Hogleg-
Why don't you knock it off with them negative waves? Why don't you dig how beautiful it is out here? Why don't you say something righteous and hopeful for a change?
I'm still fumbling around with the groundwork of my army plan, but I did perfect the metal recipe I plan to use. hopefully I'll have 1k to start playing with soon, as I'm itching to try my IW out.
I might just build a 1k SW list just for mucking about with the HH list.