Come the end of this month, I'll be getting married and moving into my fiancee's house. Unfortunately, it doesn't have the space for a designated miniature room (or so she claims). As a result, I'm going to start winnowing out the shelves of stuff I don't plan on playing or painting anytime soon.* I have a bunch more (mainly Cygnar and Cryx), but I'll start with the stuff that's either NIB, unassembled, or assembled but not painted. Asking 20% off retail price or maybe some Trollbloods in exchange (especially the Earthborn Dire Troll or Dire Troll Mauler). Send me a PM if interested.
Long Gunners (min unit)
Trenchers (min unit)
Maxwell Finn
epic Haley (I think)
Stryker variant
epic Nemo
Covenant of Menoth
Tharn Bloodtrackers (blister) -- reserved
Warmonger (1)
epic Deneghra
Bloat Thrall
Bile Thralls (min unit)
Satyxis Blood Hag UA
Bane Lord Tartarus
Rorsch and Brine
*This is not a fire sale, everything does not have to go. Just offering them now in case anyone would like them at the stated price (20% off retail) before they head from the shelf to a box in the shed for the foreseeable future.