High Elves Big Army Discount Price! $250 for the lot.
--NAKED-- means they are clean out of the box models. Some have been cleaned but few were ever painted to begin with.
10 built fully intact archers, 3 are old school pewter models. --NAKED--
10-15 Spearmen fully intact, 3 are old school pewter models. --5 or 6 NAKED-- FROM HERE DOWN ARE ALL PEWTER MODELS
13 Swordmasters oh Heoth with command. --NAKED--
10 White Lions with command. --NAKED--
10 Phoenix Guard --5 need new weps ordered or repaired-- --other 5 are intact--
6 Shadow Warriors --NAKED-- --1 has base piece missing from feet, "easy repair"-- --1 has sword broken off--
7 Marauders "Old School Shadow Warrior models with champion." --NAKED-- --1 has broken sword.--
6 Dragon Prince --NAKED-- --4 of the 6 horses have broken tails but easily repaired-- --Pewter pieces have not been touched with glue--
4 Mages "2mounted" --NAKED--
1 Repeater Bolt Thrower "With 2man Company" --NAKED--
1 Prince on foot --NAKED--
Teclis --Has not been touched with paint or glue-- --NAKED--
Tyrion --Rider is in great condition has not been touched with pain or glue-- --Horse is missing ear feathers and has been glued--
Eltharion "on griffon" --Brand New still in its pieces never been touched with glue or paint-- --NAKED--
Imrik --Rider in great condition never been touched with glue or paint--. ---Dragon Has been built but is broken in several places pewter peices still in tact---
Asarnil "Dog of War" --Rider in great condition never been touched with glue or paint--. --Dragon missing wing parts and right leg part has been lightly primed--
Aenur, Sword of Twilight "Dog of War" -- Has not been touched with paint or glue-- --NAKED--
Hundreds of various extra pieces for customizing looks and several semi broken plastic models that can easily be salvaged and/or fixed to be playable.
P.S. Most of the models have not been painted or glued.
Retail price for this army is a little more than $500! $250 is a steal even for ebay prices and a few dinks and missing pieces that were expressed in fine detail with the list. If you would like to meet and check out the army I can always meet up so you may check the models out in person.