Can anyone recommend a resource(s) for learning to model? (besides Victoria's Secret catalogs)
Can anyone recommend a resource(s) for learning to model? (besides Victoria's Secret catalogs)
You're probably going to need to be more specific.
I'm very much a beginning modeler, so I'm not really sure how specific to get -- even something extremely basic might be a good direction to pursue.Basically, I'm trying to work mainly with greenstuff to make some pike heads and basic mechanical arms, and am wondering about blue/yellow ratios, how long to let it cure before sculpting, best tools for it, etc. I use it a lot for basing and am getting fairly good at streets, stairs, drains, etc., but good clean lines are still eluding me.
Eventually I'm going to want to learn to mold so that I can make uniform weapons, but first things first.
Basically, I saw Beamo's Bjorn and, after wiping up the drool, decided that if someone could do that, at the very least I might be able to make some basic pointy things. Inspiring.
I'd start with something like this: and
and check out,sculpting.php?id=662,sculpting.php?id=571
There's tons of stuff out there if you Google. Also DaKing on the board does a lot of great GS work. I've been bugging him to write a how-to article for a while (some of his work here:
Excellent, thanks! Yeah, the Google shotgun blast I'd fired was a little intimidating; I appreciate your giving me a starting point. Plenty of stuff to help with today's procrastination!
(btw, DaKing's stuff looks awesome, though I must admit I'm fairly ignorant as to 40k models, so I'm not sure how much he's added; I'm assuming a fair amount?)