Is anyone else excited about the prospects of the new WHFB campaign and miniature releases that are upcoming? If you haven't caught wind of it, Nagash is returning:
Kicking off a massive campaign, which appears like it might pit the undead hordes ultimately against chaos possibly. Very reliable sources who leaked this campaign release many weeks ago, and have been right on 100% with rumors for about a year, say that Nagash himself will be a roughly 1000 point addition who can play for either undead. Also supposedly, there will be some way in this campaign for any (most?) armies to include undead as undead will be "everywhere". This might be a mini peak at unbound to come in 9th.
There appears to be some good and some bad, but it looks like new kits for vampires, tomb kings, skaven and nurgle at a minimum over the next 2 months along with a massive campaign launch. Nice to see fantasy getting some love, and I'm really excited to see some of how this plays out ...