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Thread: ET Khaine has some messed up @&$!

  1. #1
    Senior Member RedArmy's Avatar
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    ET Khaine has some messed up @&$!

    I'm not even talking about the nastiness of combined elves. Basically during the course of events in this book the vortex on Ulthuan will collse and magic in the world will go bat****, causing:

    1. 4d6 for winds of magic
    2. All casters are loremasters (hope you like being gatewayed 4 times a phase by the 4 units of pink horrors)
    3. All lord level casters also know a special new spell ... Basically new versions of the SoM spells. These spells can not be dispelled when cast. One example is the metal spell on a 15+ gives a unit 2+ ward save.

    Oh yeah, and dwarves are even more ****ed and get nothing from this new nastiness.

  2. #2
    Senior Member Caldera02's Avatar
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    wow really? INteresting. I wonder if the 4d6 winds is going to be errata'd? Could be they are trying to shape the game into what 9th will become? meh who knows
    Wargamescon 40k Judge
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  3. #3
    Senior Member RedArmy's Avatar
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    With the SoM spells being basically recycled, I'm hoping that this is just an end-times craziness. Magic is overpowering enough without going batcrap crazy like this. I certainly don't think that any of these changes will make it to the GTs, or at least I certainly hope that they do not.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Do you have the book yet? Better and see. No need to panic. This may just be for a scenario just like the god ascending rules

  5. #5
    Junior Member
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    Hmmm... The above listed magical nonsense seems pretty intense for "normal" play and might be scenario driven only. The nastiest stuff in the Glottkin book is reserved for the scenarios and I can't see it being too much different for the 3rd chapter of the End Times. Either way, the story is excellent and I'll be picking up a copy when it hits the stores. As for the GT's... I have faith that the assorted TO's who run things have enough skill to figure out what will work and what will damage the scene.

    After being part of this sub-culture for nearly most of my life I think I can say, without qualifiers, that table-top games are a reasonably bright bunch... The assorted communities will figure something out. They might flame each other for a couple weeks/months but something will be hashed out between the camps and the game will go on kicking for as long as people have interest.

    Let's see what happens .

  6. #6
    Senior Member
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    All of this dosent matter. If you just roll 6's.

  7. #7
    Senior Member RedArmy's Avatar
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    I don't think it will be scenario only. The vortex is going to fall, and this is going to be cataclysmic and really affect the end times narrative, and the game mechanics. I'm not trying to be Chicken Little screming the sky is falling, and I don't think that these rules will remain when 9th drops. But I do think that, like the legions and the 50% lords, GW intends these to be the rules of the times for now. Obviously GTs won't allow this crap in either. However, it does give me some concern over their ability to write a ballanced 9th edition though. 8th is pretty much as good as it's ever been for WHFB, I am really hoping they don't screw the pooch with 9th.

  8. #8
    Senior Member Revenant's Avatar
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    Instead of posting pages of statistics and links to forum posts about how wrong this statement is; I will agree to disagree. 7th was the height and 8th was when the pooch was screwed.

    Quote Originally Posted by ViscountAlexandru View Post
    . 8th is pretty much as good as it's ever been for WHFB, I am really hoping they don't screw the pooch with 9th.
    Warhammer legend 1990 -2015. RIP Warhammer Fantasy. F**k GW
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  9. #9
    Senior Member Geist's Avatar
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    Jordan you still remain one side of a party on this matter.

    I like 8th alot more than I liked 7th.

    Not being able to make way was dumb and we both know this, you can talk all you want about how it's strategic when in fact its just seeing who forgets which detail first.
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  10. #10
    Senior Member RedArmy's Avatar
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    Not to mention step up, which was an amazing and needed addition. Steadfast also was, for me at least, a great addition. No more "cav charge, you cant swing back, you break." No more broken daemons. No more nearly as broken DE. Much better than before.

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